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Italy world leader in distance education through the Internet: The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO conquers the 2014 International E-Learning Award for the best E-Learning Portal in the world


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On December the 5th, in Dubai, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was awarded the 2014 International E-Learning Award (Academic Division) as Runner-up for the best e-learning portal worldwide. The International E-Learning Award 2014 is delivered by the IELA International E-Learning Association, based in New York and includes members from all continents and from all sectors (industry, businesses, governments, universities). IELA’s objective is to promote research, knowledge and development in the field of e-learning in classrooms, universities and in workplaces. The Scientific Committee that assessed the applicants for the 2014 International E-Learning Award, chaired by David Guralnick, professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College is founder of Kaleidoscope Learning- Professor David Guralnick stated that he was impressed by the number and variety of 2014 applications and by the quality of UNINETTUNO E-Learning provision and this is the reason why the Jury decided to award the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO the International E-learning Award Academic Division for the e-learning sector.

IELA Award Certificate

“This award – UNINETTUNO’s Rector, Maria Amata Garito, states – rewards the model of UNINETTUNO and its E-Learning platform that is currently available in 5 languages (Italian, English, French, Greek and Arabic) wholly developed jointly with my team during over 15 year of research applied to use of new technologies to teaching and learning processes. The conquest of the International E-Learning Award 2014 – the Rector Garito concludes – confirms the international vocation of our University which counts on a student population of over 14,000 students coming from 140 countries of the world”.

Thanks to its cooperation with universities and institutions of the whole world and with those of the Mediterranean countries in particular, UNINETTUNO built shared knowledge networks allowing to enrich study programs thanks to the specific features belonging to the history and cultures of different countries and to jointly create new knowledge useful to live in a globalised and interconnected world. In UNINETTUNO’s E-Learning portal, the interconnected intelligences of lecturers and students of the northern and southern shores of the world realized new educational contents and new knowledge; they develop a network of expertise and competences, which is based not on the mutual imposition of cultural models, but on intercultural and inter-linguistic exchange and cooperation.