In order to study, choose your subject, there you will find the various learning environments (videolessons, slides, books and articles, multimedia, bibliography, webographies, labs, interactive exercises, forums, interactive classes) and lecturers/tutors who will interactively follow your learning process.
Training objectives of the course and specific description of curriculum
Specific objectives of the CdL, respecting what has been provided by the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area ", are designed to train in cultural heritage professionals that can perform mid-level professional functions at specific Institutions and local authorities, such as Superintendencies, museums, libraries, archives, foundations etc. .., as well as at companies and professional organizations working in the field of restoration and protection of cultural heritage and education of environmental recovery.
It is carefully considered the exhibitions organizations sector with implications concerning the communication and the cultural economy.
The degree in cultural heritage Operator prelude to even more locations in successive masters degrees.
The course will include, on a common basic training, different curricula, that will be provided at the level of regulation of this course of study.
TRAINING: the degree course in cultural heritage Operator intends to form a graduate capable to operate at different levels in all areas characterized by study activities, cataloguing, conservation, protection, enhancement and promotion of cultural heritage. The course aims to provide a good basic training and an appropriate range of knowledge and scientific and humanistic skills in the field of cultural heritage, with particular regard to the archaeological heritage, artistic and historical, archival-books and the entertainment industry.
The educational process is organized in such a way as to provide the student during the first year mainly basic disciplines of historical character, linguistic, literary, anthropological.
Already during the first year the student starts with specific knowledge of the cultural sector with the possibility of choosing the lessons included in the main training activities, in particular the history of medieval art, the Aegean Civilization, the archival disciplines.
In the second year preponderance is given to characterizing or similar training activities with particular attention to the history of modern art, museology and art criticism of the restoration, Environmental Chemistry and cultural heritage, restoration.
In the third year students ' choices are oriented to high-tech laboratory, professional assessors of examinations to support planned in our educational system, and with a careful process of formulation of the final thesis which is followed by the teacher and tutor.
Expected learning outcomes, expressed through European descriptors of qualification (DM 16/03/2007, art. 3, para. 7)
Knowledge and understanding
The objective required "knowledge and understanding" will be achieved with rigorous and solid basic training, methodological and historical, archaeological and historical studies-essential knowledge of artistic literary culture, linguistics, history, and geography of ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary art, basic preparation in research, conservation, protection and enhancement of the historical and artistic heritage and archaeological knowledge of artistic legislation theory of restoration, and scientific and technical disciplines of conservation.
These objectives will be pursued through teaching courses, especially those of founding and methodological in nature and will be verified through constant liaison with tutors for each teaching and finally verified through exams.
Graduates must attain knowledge of cultural heritage issues and the ability to treat them, characterized by the use of advanced text books, which include the knowledge of some advanced topics in the field of archaeological studies, historical-artistic, archival-books and entertainment and other fields interested in various ways to the cultural heritage sector, can be summed up in the following learning expected outcomes : - full understanding of the concept of law and of the basic principles that govern the field of the protection and promotion of cultural heritage, with particular attention to aspects related to their protection at the international level; - knowledge of the history of Italian literature from its origins to the twentieth century (with reading texts and documents); - understanding of the methods of historical research, as well as the outlines of the history of art and cultural scene; - understanding of the fundamental aspects of the history of Western performance, with particular reference to the scenic spot and the dramaturgy.
Graduates must attain knowledge of proper survey methods in science of cultural heritage, which can be summarised in the following learning expected outcomes: - understanding of the relationship between historical and artistic issues; possession of tools to understand cognitive logic and the main lines of development literature, historiography, and Italian culture; - awareness of complementariness of knowledge acquired in other subject areas for the study of cultural heritage including archaeology, ancient history (Aegean civilization) and cultural anthropology; - familiarity with key archival, paleographic; - understanding of key features of theatrical, international film and television and the related issues of preservation of its archives and cultural heritage; - knowledge and ability of interpretation of laws in the field of protection and organization of cultural heritage.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The degree course is the acquisition of the ability to orient research critically, especially through traditional bibliographic tools, but also, where appropriate, through the available sources, published online, which is expressly provided by the student tutor educational portal UTIU.
The graduate will be able to find and use items and their tools of disciplines in question to manage and solve issues and practical problems in terms of a professional activity and work. Graduate course of study must be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the most varied operating contexts: the Organization, management and public administration and private life, intellectual culture, interpreting the data within its competence with critical autonomous capabilities, through the use of traditional instruments or online. To Test the ability to apply knowledge and understanding acquired notions there will be : - ongoing profit checks with quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the activities carried out by the student.
The quantitative assessment of students is carried out by the mentors on the basis of statistics related to the student's navigation on the portal teaching virtual classroom area, in terms of number and duration of visits to the various sections of the website. To complement this monitoring, the mentors distributes to all students the evaluation boards for the quality control of the content of the teaching learning provided.
The results of the qualitative and quantitative evaluation form the basis for the implementation of initiatives aimed at strengthening learning; -examinations and tests of written and oral assessment; reports and papers on functional activities to the inclusion in the professional world; final evaluation test.
Graduates will have the groundwork to apply their knowledge and understanding in public and private institutions such as museums, superintendencies, galleries, exhibition centres, production facilities (theaters), libraries and archives, having appropriate competence is to devise and sustain arguments to solve problems in the various areas of cultural heritage.
The ability to use application aspects of the learned basics that can be summed up in the following learning outcomes:
- familiarity in the use of research methodologies with special reference to excavation techniques, analysis, classification and study of archaeological sources, mastering the principles and laws on the protection and conservation of archaeological heritage, on the basis of a humanistic and historical facility, open to the use of the most modern investigation techniques, including computing; - the ability to use the methodology of the study, cataloguing, storage and preservation of archival and library assets at public and private institutions as archives, libraries, collections and exhibition centres of cultural assets in general;
- the ability to grasp the fundamental aspects of art history and study methodologies of the artistic goods on the basis of a humanistic education-structured historical and open to using computer equipment – telematic skills to operate at public and private institutions such as museums, galleries and exhibition centres, foundations with cultural purposes, namely within the framework of traditional editorial activities, telematic and multimedia and of institutions and companies interested into the artistic heritage; the ability to analyze and interpret aspects of the show with linguistic knowledge, artistic and literary within a historical and philosophical and always well-defined frame of reference;
the ability to operate at different levels and with different specificity within public and private institutions responsible for the preservation and promotion of theatrical goods, but also professionals focused on the study and historical research and criticism in various performing arts and cinema.
Making Judgements
The graduates will acquire the ability to collect and interpret the data collected in the field of study of cultural heritage, considered useful to determine evaluations and reflect on the historical and political themes are connected through a maturation reached by the close relationship with the teacher and with the tutor on the theoretical aspects the practical application of teaching materials.
Communication skills
The degree in cultural heritage Operator will be able to communicate and interact on issues of interest to specialists and non-specialists interlocutors, according to their level of responsibility.
This aim will be pursued through the preparation for exams and the final exam. Learning assessments include both written examinations and oral interviews in which the ability of speech, correct, concise and clear form is an objective and judgement element.
The final proof is the drafting of a report and a summary presentation to illustrate in a public session to a Special Commission.
Learning skills
The degree in cultural heritage Operator must allow the student to: knowing how to plan and present exhibitions, projects, research initiatives, overseeing organizational aspects related to cultural heritage, within different cultural Entities, Italians and foreigners using the means of mass communication and new online media; to
present in technical organized forms specialized content within communicative situations; be able to discuss and collaborate with others, having developed an aptitude for constructive discussion.
These skills have been acquired through theoretical lessons during teaching courses; ongoing tests and final work in writing and with the use of multimedia tools.
Knowledge required for access (DM 270/04, art 6, paragraph 1 and 2)
For the admission to the degree course in cultural heritage the possession of adequate basic preparation is required. It consists of language skills and cultural knowledge normally acquired in grammar schools and secondary education institutions of humanistic address, with particular reference to an appropriate general knowledge of the concepts of literary history, history, geography and the history of art.
The knowledge to access are verified with rules laid down in the regulation of the educational course of study where also will be shown additional educational requirements if the verification is not positive.
The final test (DM 270/04, art 11, codicil 3-d)
The degree in cultural heritage Attendant follows the presentation and discussion of an written elaborate.
This is normally processed in the analysis, in the commentary and in the Organization of exhibits or individual works or groups of works; critical texts or of a text or a series of literary texts, historical, documentaries, history, related fields archaeological, artistic and historical, archival-books and entertainment.
Employment and career opportunities for graduates
The level of knowledge and skills achieved will allow graduates in cultural heritage Operator to exercise an activity in the study, cataloguing, conservation, protection, enhancement and promotion of cultural heritage and, more specifically, the history of art and the methodologies of study, preservation and protection of artistic goods based on a education-historian humanistic system; the protection and conservation of archaeological heritage, on the basis of a humanistic and historical system, open to the use of the most modern investigation techniques, including computing; archival and library assets on the basis of a humanistic- historian plant training adequately structured and also open to using computer-telematic instruments; Theatre and live entertainment, film and music.