Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master on “Water Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management” (Academic Year 2019/2020)

In order to study, choose your subject, there you will find the various learning environments (videolessons, slides, books and articles, multimedia, bibliography, webographies, labs, interactive exercises, forums, interactive classes) and lecturers/tutors who will interactively follow your learning process.

The Master’ Course in "Water Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management" has been carefully conceived to offer a high-level holistic educational offer on the issue of water and water resources, with a focus on the development of a new Culture of Water, based on the highly respected activities of Water Academy SRD and specifically detailed in the “Geneva Water Initiative” released in 2017.

In particular, the attention is focused on two main aspects strictly related to the awareness and widespread and inclusive approach to water as the main source of life, that obviously should be consider always more in the future as a “Common Good”: the separation of the different forms of knowledges on this theme delayed the achievement of this goal, today needed more then ever.

By overcoming the traditional distinction between scientia and esperentia, also thanks to the diffusion of the educational policy known as “learning by doing”, we then achieved a useful synthesis of a specific knowledge that is functional to the attainment of a truly integrated and deep learning that allows to grasp the analogies and differences between problems that are actually recurring in their cyclic nature (and often even in their original matrix), even if ever different in their outbreak. Offering together different knowledges, allow our Students to benefit of an innovative training process always more needed by the main Actors in the Public as well as in the Private sector, almost everywhere.

The Master’s Course lasts one academic year corresponding to a total amount of 60 credits (CFU) including video lessons, seminars, exercises, videoconferences, tutored activities, research work and the Final Master Thesis.

And all our Students will benefit too, of the entrance in the exclusive group of Water Academy SRD stakeholders, with great advantages for their personal individual growth and professional career.

The Master’s Course (first level type) will be delivered in English and it is aimed at European and extra-European students who have completed a university degree course.

Specific objectives of the course

Curriculum (A.Y. 2019/2020)  

CourseECTSLanguageVideo professorsProfessorTutor
Water and the development of civilizations in the Mediterranean Region up to the contemporary world
Prof. Louis Godart
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma - Italia)
Riccardo Montalbano
Docente a contratto UTIU ICAR/06
Riccardo Montalbano
Docente a contratto UTIU ICAR/06
Prof. Louis Godart
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma - Italia)
Prof. Louis Godart
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma - Italia)
Sustainable and Responsible Development
Prof. Alessandro Leto
Water Academy SRD (Lugano / Milano - Italia)
Alessandro Leto
Docente a Contratto UNINETTUNO
Alessandro Leto
Docente a Contratto UNINETTUNO
Geopolitics of Water
Prof. Alessandro Leto
Water Academy SRD (Lugano / Milano - Italia)
Prof. Paolo Scotto Di Castelbianco
Strategos Institute - Università di Genova (Genova - Italia)
Alessandro Leto
Docente a Contratto UNINETTUNO
Alessandro Leto
Docente a Contratto UNINETTUNO

CourseECTSLanguageVideo professorsProfessorTutor
Water and Seas
English--Francesca Malfatti,
Giulia Massolino
Fundamentals of Hydraulics and soil conservation
Prof. Claudia Bertini
( - )
Ezio Ranieri
Professore Associato - Università di Bari ICAR/03 Ingegneria sanitaria-ambientale
Giovanni La Forgia,
Luca Placidi
Professore Associato Uninettuno Legge 240/10 ICAR/08 Scienza delle costruzioni
Master Thesis