Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Management Engineering (Academic Year 2014/2015) - Production path

Production scheduling and control I

Credits: 9
Content language:English
Course description
The operation of a production system is analyzed in this course, with particular attention to performance evaluation, identifying the dependency with endogenous and exogenous factors, controllable and non-controllable. They discuss the main issues of a production process related to planning and control of production, from procurement phase to that of materials management through the main quantitative techniques.
Physics, Calculus and Linear Algebra.
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and basic tools to address the issues that relate to the operation and management of production systems.
The design of production systems: classical criteria and innovative techniques based on LEAN. Classification of production systems. The performance of production systems: the cycle time, the production capacity, the Lead Time and the response time; stocks and Work in Process. The techniques and algorithms for the management of materials: the model of Wilson or EOQ; models with quantity discounts; management techniques and fixed-cycle fixed point of reorganization. The models of aggregate production planning. The formulation of the master production schedule. The planning requirements of materials: techniques and models MRP. The techniques of operational planning of production. The exercises will focus on issues that affect the performance of both the programming of the medium-term operational production: in particular, will be dealt with problems of definition of Production Plans within the constraints of available capacity; issues related to the MRP and those that relate to the scheduling techniques in operational programming, through the use of models and algorithms basic operational research.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available