Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Legal Expert in Development and Internationalisation of Enterprises (Academic Year 2007-2008)

Political economics (not running in 2016/2017)

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course covers the main themes of micro and macroeconomics at a basic level.
No prerequisites are needed.
Provide to the student the knowledge useful for the understanding of major economic facts.
The first two video lessons provide a framework of historical matter, illustrating the basic concepts in the light of the major schools of economic thought. Starting with the third video lesson (up to the eighteenth), the traditional microeconomic topics are developed through which we analyse the behaviour of economic agents in the markets. The focus is on the study the optimizing behaviour of a rational consumer and to address problems of a firm that maximizes profit by identifying the amount and the price at which to offer their product to market. The behaviour of firms is assessed according to different market configurations, distinguishing between cases in which the market fails to make an efficient allocation of resources and reaches a Pareto-inefficient equilibrium. From the nineteenth to the twenty-ninth video lesson the focus goes to macroeconomic issues. At first, the macroeconomic variables will be described; then the discussion turns to the equilibrium GDP, starting from the structure of aggregate demand. Different types of Keynesian multiplier will be analysed. Afterwards, a study of the money market will be developed through the analysis of supply and demand. The equilibrium in the goods market and the money market are represented together in the IS / LM, through which the effects of economic policies will be studied. Finally, the determination of the AD/AS (short-and long-term) model will be explored. It will be useful for analysing the effects of economic policies on GDP and the price level. The last video lesson concludes with the course with a brief overview of international economics.
Antonelli et al. (2007), ECONOMIA, Giappichelli, Torino.
Sulla base delle videolezioni e degli approfondimenti del libro di testo, sono previste 28 esercitazioni (una per ogni videolezione, eccetto per le prime due) ciascuna delle quali si compone di un numero variabile di quesiti a risposta aperta.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Nicola De Liso
List of lessons
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
    •  Lesson n. 16: Il monopolio  Go to this lesson
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso
Nicola De Liso