Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2010/2011) - corporate path (exhausted)

Corporate strategy and policy

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The strategy - or rather, good strategy, because it is well formulated and implemented effectively - is ultimately the main tool that a business can use to achieve success. Not just the financial success, even if this is the first, indispensable measure, but full success against its reference environment, both internal and external. The aim of this course is to explain how this can be achieved.
Basic Knowledge Economy Company and its contents.
The course aims to define and discuss the basics of strategic thinking and then clarify the conditions for business success through the use of competitive strategy.
- analysis of the competitive business strategy with a view standard - analysis of corporate strategy in a dynamic competitive
The recommended texts, which refer directly to the video lessons are as follows Module 1: The Fundamentals of the strategy - the strategy as a cognitive process • ANTONIO MARTELLI. Alle radici della strategia, Le Monnier, Firenze, 2005, Capitoli: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. 2nd module: analysis of competitive business strategy in relation to the results • GIORGIO INVERNIZZI (a cura di), Strategia aziendale e vantaggio competitivo, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2008, Capitoli: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. • ANTONIO MARTELLI. Alle radici della strategia, Le Monnier, Firenze, 2005, Appendice al capitolo 12. Part 3: Analysis of the competitive business strategy with a view standard • GIORGIO INVERNIZZI (a cura di), Strategia aziendale e vantaggio competitivo, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2008, Capitoli: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15. 4th module: analysis of competitive business strategy in a dynamic • GIORGIO INVERNIZZI (a cura di), Strategia aziendale e vantaggio competitivo, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2008, Capitoli: 11, 17, 18, 19, 20 • ANTONIO MARTELLI. Alle radici della strategia, Le Monnier, Firenze, 2005, Paragrafo 12.7 Other texts suggested: • GARTH SALONER et al., Strategia d’impresa, Etas, Milano, 2001 • ROBERT GRANT, L’analisi strategica per le decisioni aziendali, il Mulino,Bologna, 2004
The exercises consist mainly of open-ended questions, similar to those submitted in the examination, aimed at assessing the learning of the various topics covered in the video lesson.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli
Antonio Martelli