Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Psychosocial disciplines (Academic Year 2013/2014)

Origins and history of psychology

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course provides the student with an overview of the history and origins of psychology focusing on the major schools of psychology. The course supplies specific insights into the origins and history of scientific psychology from birth in the second half of the 19th Century with the study of sensations, emotions and intellectual activities. The course explores the various schools of thought with the greatest interpreters of psychological thought by describing the different methodological approaches, the main research hypotheses and relations with the historical and cultural context within which these psychological schools acted.
There are no prerequisites to take the exam
Il corso si propone di offrire allo studente una panoramica delle origini della psicologia scientifico-sperimentale moderna, attraverso l’approfondimento delle principali prospettive di ricerca psicologica.
The lecture course will analyse the main outlooks on the history of psychology from Mid-19th Century up to the latest developments by studying in depth the authors and the most influential schools of the history of Psychology. • The earlier history of scientific psychology in Germany (Wundt) • The psychology of the act of Brentano • Functionalism and the origins of psychology in the United States (James) • Gestalt, in particular the work of Wertheimer • Freud and Psychoanalysis • Watson and behaviourism • The origins of animal psychology • Vygotsky and the historical-cultural school in the Soviet Union • Piaget and Cognitivism • Recent Developments of Psychology
- LUCCIO R., La psicologia: Un profilo storico, Laterza, Roma, 2004. - LEGRENZI P. (a cura di), Storia della psicologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1999. - MECACCI L., Storia della psicologia del novecento, Edizioni Laterza, 2011. CAP: VII
The video lessons are connected to monitoring exercises, designed to monitor student learning progress in each subject area. The test exercises can be sent to the tutor, Dr.Mariangela Cersosimo, who will correct them. The Tutor will provide a feedback on them.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Sebastiano Bagnara
List of lessons
Riccardo Luccio
Riccardo Luccio
Riccardo Luccio
Riccardo Luccio
Riccardo Luccio
Giorgio Vallortigara
Giorgio Vallortigara
Nino Dazzi
    •  Lesson n. 9: John Watson  Go to this lesson
Nino Dazzi
Riccardo Luccio
Walter Gerbino
Walter Gerbino
Francesca Ortu
Francesca Ortu
Luciano Mecacci
Luciano Mecacci
Riccardo Luccio
Walter Gerbino
Riccardo Luccio
Riccardo Luccio