Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Psychosocial disciplines (Academic Year 2013/2014)

Psychology of work

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
In the first part of the program the course will provide an overview on the values and meanings of work and will identify the fields in which a professional labour psychologist operates, including various methodological perspectives. The variables that come into play in the interaction between an individual and his actual work environment, such as, for instance, socialization, job satisfaction etc. will be analysed. In the second part it will go on with describing and understanding organisational processes. Some of the most important and crucial issues linked to diagnosis and intervention within organisations related to the physiology as well as to the pathology of organisational behaviours will be considered. In the last part it will supply a general overview on the models and change and development patterns practices within organisations.
Lessico psicologico di base
The course of Labour Psychology and Selection Methodologies is aimed at: • Introducing the student to the main issues related to psychological and psychosocial behaviour of individuals and groups within organisations • Providing the basic conceptual tools for analyzing business conduct in organizations taking into account the many personal, group, technical and organizational variables defining contingent situations in which people are called upon to operate. • Illustrating the key steps of the work experience, considered in the light of the actual conditions in which it is carried on and the ways by which the individual can tackle the interplay between himself and the demands of the task and of the role he is assigned.
The course will analyse the contents, values and methods of psychology applied to the world of labour; more specifically, the course consists of 25 videolessons. The issues can be grouped into the following thematic areas: Labour and Psychology (from lesson 1 to lesson 08). The above-mentioned videolessons will deal with issues related to the general aspects of labour psychology starting from its field of research and intervention. It will address the following issues: the values and meanings of work, work socialization, motivation, professional skills, performance assessment. Organization: roles, structures and processes (from lesson 09 to lesson 18). In this section it will study the behaviour of individuals and groups within organizations starting from the basics of organizational thinking to the definition of organization / organizing. Organizational development (from lesson 19 to lesson 25). The main issues treated in this last section can be grouped into the following thematic areas: approaches and intervention rationales within organizations, organizational actions for the development of human resources such as training, career management, counselling, tutoring and coaching.
Argentero P., Cortese C. G, Piccardo C., (a cura di), (2008). Psicologia del lavoro. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore. Pedon, A., Sprega, F. (a cura di), (2008). Modelli di psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni. Roma: Armando Editore Sarchielli, G., Fraccaroli F. (2010). Introduzione alla Psicologia del lavoro. Bologna: Il Mulino
The exercises will mainly consist in open-answer assessment questions put at the end of each macro-issue. The consistency with the proposed issue, the references made to theoretical models and authors and reporting skills will be assessed.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Mariangela Cersosimo, Arrigo Pedon
List of lessons
Guido Sarchielli
Guido Sarchielli
Guido Sarchielli
Francesco Avallone
Francesco Avallone
Guido Sarchielli
Guido Sarchielli
Francesco Avallone
Dario Romano
Dario Romano
Dario Romano
Dario Romano
Dario Romano
Marco Depolo
Marco Depolo
Marco Depolo
Dario Romano
Marco Depolo
Guido Sarchielli
Franco Fraccaroli
Franco Fraccaroli
    •  Lesson n. 22: La formazione  Go to this lesson
Franco Fraccaroli
Franco Fraccaroli
Franco Fraccaroli
    •  Lesson n. 25: Team building  Go to this lesson
Franco Fraccaroli