Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communications, Media and Advertising (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2013/2014)

The performance in the multimedia company, forms and languages

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course ‘The performance in the multimedial society’ is divided into two different parts. The first one (History of Theatre - theory and practice) deals with the evolution of various forms of show from its origins to the present day. The second part concerns the languages of cinema and television examining the forms of seriality within the italian paradigm of television and the forms of digital innovations that have changed, and continue to do so, the contemporary cinematographic language.
The only prerequisites for the first year of the course are a good knowledge and mastery of the Italian language.
The course aims to merge diachronic and synchronic approach, to create a perfect coexistence between a first year introductory course - addressed to students who come for the first time in matters such as these – and the need to provide a new perspective, a new way of teaching, examining the various fields of this knowledge, making them interact with each other, to build a cross-history of different media and forms of expression, that, during the XX century and this first period of XXI century, have interfaced and interlaced with each other, but always depending on technological developments.
The teaching of History of Theatre, held by prof. Maurizio Scaparro, director and great scholar of theatre, and by prof. Menduni, professor of media history, starts from the evolution of the stage, to get into the middle of XX century, studying representative authors and writers as Shakespeare, Goldoni and Pirandello. The teaching of Languages of Cinema and Television , in the first part, is focused on the television series, with a specific attention at the Italian situation, and, in the second part, on the application of digital techniques in the cinematographic narrative language.
Part I – History of theater
- Brockett Oscar G., Storia del teatro, Marsilio, Venezia 1988. In alternativa Cesare Molinari, Storia del teatro, Laterza, Bari 2008 oppure un altro manuale di storia del teatro (Da studiare solo gli argomenti e gli autori trattati nelle videolezioni).
Part II - The languages of cinema and television:
- Buonanno Milly, La Fiction Italiana, Narrazioni televisive e identità nazionale, Laterza,2012.
- Girlanda Elio, Il Precinema oltre il cinema - Per una nuova storia dei media audiovisivi, Dino Audino Editore, 2010
Eventuali esercitazioni saranno inserite durante l’erogazione del corso
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Salvatore Salviano Miceli , Elio Girlanda
List of lessons
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
    •  Lesson n. 10: La festa  Go to this lesson
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
    •  Lesson n. 13: L'Attore  Go to this lesson
Maurizio Scaparro
    •  Lesson n. 14: La regia  Go to this lesson
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Maurizio Scaparro
Enrico Menduni
Enrico Menduni
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda