Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2021/2022)

Psychology of communication and cognitive interfaces

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
Psychology of communication is a very novel field of application of psychology. It studies the main humans’ behavioral and cognitive processes related to interactions with mass media: thoughts, emotions, physiological responses and actions that can be activated before, during and after media use by considering also people differences as culture and experiences. The course deals with main aspect of the relationship between the individual and the media by comparing similarities and differences between traditional and new media, and by recognizing that every innovation in the field of audiovisual communication leads to explore psychological effects on audience and people. The aim is to analyse in depth this field of study trough the main psychological theories and the analysis of relational and individuals’ processes related to the use of audiovisual. Thus, the course will deal with main topics of general psychology and organization psychology related to media consumption dynamics and marketing and communication processes.
The preliminary focus is on the historical and cultural frame of the main psychological processes. Then the main theories that are trying to explain audiovisual consumption behaviors will be examine in depth, in order to contextualize psychology applications to audiovisual communication in an historical-critical perspective. Some relevant individuals (“very competent communicators”) will be used as case studies useful to exemplify the relationship between psychology and media, communication and interaction in traditional communication and new technologies mediated communication contexts. Besides core topics of psychology of communication social and cultural issues relevant within the modern society will be analysed. Among these: the effects of watching television in infanthood, the risks of media consumption, the promotion of prosocial or aggressive behaviors
The course is divided in specific themes’ units as follows:

A) Introduction on the main theories in scientific Psychology of communication

B)Overview of the studies focused on the effects on consumption behaviors:

B1) Cognition and perception. The perception: the path from the senses and the “data” to the images’ construction and representation; subliminal perception, attention, representation, and categorization.

B2) Cognitive processes involved in individuals’ influencing processes and mediated communication

C) Studies on attitudes and their change through persuasive and influence processes. The tools for attitudes measure and evaluation. The classical case studies on persuasive processes will be analysed (e.g. Hitler etc.).

D)The role of advertising in persuasive processes and the effectiveness of advertising communication.

Arcuri L., Castelli L. La trasmissione dei pensieri. Per un approccio psicologico alle comunicazioni di massa, Padova, Decibel, Zanichelli, 1996 Mucchi Faina, A. L’influenza sociale. Il Mulino, Bologna, edizione 1996
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons
Vincenzo Russo
Vincenzo Russo
Vincenzo Russo
Bruno Mazzara
Bruno Mazzara
Bruno Mazzara
Bruno Mazzara
    •  Lesson n. 8: La persuasione  Go to this lesson
Angelica Mucchi Faina
Angelica Mucchi Faina
Angelica Mucchi Faina
Angelica Mucchi Faina
Vincenzo Russo
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Chiara Volpato
Vincenzo Russo
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Lucia Mannetti
Vincenzo Russo
Vincenzo Russo
Vincenzo Russo
Vincenzo Russo