Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2012/2013) - corporate path (exhausted)

Industrial and Applied Economics

Credits: 8
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course describes the main economic and industrial dynamics that have interested Italian and world economy in the last two centuries. In detail, by using economic instruments, in the first part, it provides an analysis of Italian economic development since the unification year, by describing the changing experienced before and after the two world word, focusing on the growth dynamics experienced in the Sixties. At the same time, the course explains the most important historical happening that changed the world’s economic and political scenario (the Great Depression, the role of Sir Keynes in modern economics, Bretton Woods Agreement, Oil Crisis). In the second part, the course provides a description of the extraordinary changes that world, Europe and Italy has faced after globalization and the growing of the so called developing countries such as China. Finally, it presents an accurate analysis about the roots of the recent financial and economic crisis and its effects on World, European and Italian economies.
The course does not ask for prerequisites. However, it is preferable that students have passed the exams of Institutions of political economy and economic policy.
The main objectives of the course are: 1. to offer student a critical analysis of the major economics events that have influenced World, National and Italian economies, mainly by focusing on the performance industries has faced in the last two centuries. 2. to provide student the understanding of the main economic and industrial policies that policy makers have adopted in this period of time.
The course is organized in 18 video-lessons. Lessons 1-4 describe the Italian economic evolution from 1861 to world war the first. Lessons 5-7 provide what happened to economies after the great depression of 1929 and the economic measures adopted to face it, focusing on policies defined after world war the second (mainly Bretton Woods Agreement). Lessons 8-11 focus on the European policies defined since the Eighties to the beginning of 2000s when globalization started. Lessons 12-18 provide an analysis of the current financial and economic crisis and its effects on World, European and Italian economies. In every video-lesson, students find educational materials (see the pages). Students can find also some demands for each lesson to test what he has learned. Video-lessons 8 and 18 includes also demands that can be sent to the tutor for the evaluation (this is not a mandatory step, even if it is recommended).
- Bianchi P. (2009), “Crisi economia e politica industriale”, in “Quaderni del dipartimento”, 21, DEIT, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, mimeo, pp. 1-75, available on Tutor can indicate additional educational material if and when necessary.
Per ciascuna lezione è presente un esercizio di autoverifica che si compone di 3 domande aperte. Tali esercizi rappresentano un momento di verifica personale di quanto appreso dalla video lezioni, per cui non vanno rispediti al tutor per la valutazione. Sono inoltre presenti due esercizi di verifica (uno legato alla lezione 8 uno alla lezione 18) che dovranno invece essere svolti obbligatoriamente e rispediti al tutor, pena la mancata ammissione alla prova di esame. La sezione è in fase di aggiornamento.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Gualtiero Tamburini
List of lessons
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi
Patrizio Bianchi