Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (Academic Year 2022/2023) - Operator and Expert in Cultural Heritages and Digital Memory

Conservation, restoration and management of cultural heritage

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge to understand the modus operandi interdisciplinary guide today work on tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
Is not required preparatory studies
The aim of the course is to contribute to the formation of a critical-methodological approach and proactive on issues of conservation, restoration, enhancement of cultural heritage, which is essential for the operator to Cultural Heritage today. It aims to train professionals capable of reading critically emergencies cultural and interface with other professionals in the sector thanks to the interdisciplinary knowledge gained.
The course is divided into four macro-areas: Theory and History [lessons 2 -8] Diagnostic techniques, conservation and restoration [Lessons 9-21] Excellence UNESCO [Lessons 22-24] Case study [lessons 25 to 31]
In addition to the careful study of the content of the video lessons, it requires the preparation of the following documentation: CESCHI C., Teoria e storia del Restauro, Mario Bulzi Editore, Roma 1970 SETTE M. P., Profilo Storico, in CARBONARA G., Restauro Architettonico, vol. I, Sezione B, pp. 109-290. KIROVA K.T., Problematiche di attuazione della Convenzione per il Patrimonio Mondiale, in Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, “I siti italiani iscritti nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO: esperienze e potenzialità”, Atti della Prima Conferenza Nazionale dei siti iscritti alla Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale. Noto 9-10 Maggio 2003. Diffusioni Grafiche, Villanova Monferrato (AL), 2004 Course handouts provided by the teacher with the texts of international conventions Website Official Website _ UNESCO World Heritage List http:/ / / en / list Official site UNESCO_ Italy - Ministry of Heritage and Culture Tutorials For admission to the examination is compulsory draft a paper (analysis of a case of architectural restoration chosen by the student and agreed with the teacher). The methods of processing and delivery will be discussed with the students during the disbursements.
Non obbligatorie, concorrono alla valutazione dello studente e in sede di esame possono integrare il risultato della prova scritta con "punti bonus".
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Daniela Concas
List of lessons
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Pio Baldi
Pio Baldi
Pio Baldi
Giorgio Bonsanti
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Giorgio Bonsanti
Giorgio Bonsanti
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
    •  Lesson n. 15: Betlemme  Go to this lesson
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova