Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Operator of Cultural Heritage (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2011/2012) - Beni Archivistico-librari (ad esaurimento)

Information technology applied to archives

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course is concerned with the general principles and the basic lines of archival information, with reference to the instrumental aspects and institutional analysis of the birth of computer science applied to the archives until its doctrinal and scientific evolution.
Prerequisite and prerequisite is to have passed the examination of Archives.
The course aims to show an overview of computer science and its application with archiving and provide the student with the tools that will enable them to acquire critical skills approach with individual software and management programs both in the archival current, which in the filing, which in that history.
Maria Guercio - Stefano Pigliapoco - Federico Valacchi, Archivi e informatica, Lucca, Civita editoriale, 2010
The exercises developed in open-ended questions addressing the topics covered by the video lessons and the reference material for the exam
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Antonio Romiti
List of lessons
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
Marco Mezzalama
    •  Lesson n. 15: Reti locali  Go to this lesson
Marco Mezzalama
Maria Guercio
Maria Guercio
Maria Guercio
Maria Guercio
Maria Guercio