Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (Academic Year 2021/2022) - Operator and Expert in Cultural Heritages and Digital Memory

Italian Literature (new edition)

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course is aimed at studying the evolution of Italian literature, from courtly poetry up to Decadentism, with a final glance on the narrative production of 20th century’s authors from Sicily. This historical development is constantly linked to other European literatures, with issues concerning the literary public, the spread and success of certain genres, and the social role of the writer and poet. Particular attention will be devoted to Petrarch, Dante Alighieri and Giovanni Boccaccio, three key figures for the Italian and European literary tradition. In this way, the student will get an insight in Italian literature in its historical development, also achieving knowledge about its main personalities and texts.
Prerequisite for this course is a very good knowledge of Italian language.
The course is aimed at supplying a broad overview of the Italian Literature and giving the students the tools enabling them to acquire critical skills to understand and assess the presented texts.
The course is focused on the knowledge of authors and of the main movements of the Italian Literature. Concepts and general issues will be accompanied by a critical and linguistic analysis of collection of anthological texts.
It is required to study a handbook of Italian literature, chosen among: A. Casadei, M. Santagata, Manuale di letteratura medievale e moderna, Bari, Laterza, 2007 G. Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, Torino, Einaudi, 1991 (voll. I-III, fino al Decadentismo) Lectures required: Stefano Jossa, L’Italia letteraria, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006; almost two literary works treated in the lessons.
During the lessons the students’ learning progress will be assessed and during the virtual classroom sessions, held by the tutors, there will be the opportunity for more in depth study.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Nora Moll
List of lessons
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Giuseppe Leonelli
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Marco Santagata
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli
Giuseppe Leonelli