Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2021/2022)

The European Union: History, Institutions and Economic Crisis

Content language:English
Course description
This special course offers a collection of videolessons delivered by Mario Monti and Romano Prodi, protagonists of the European Union (*) since its beginnings, and looks at the EU great issues from the past to present time. The first part of the course supplies an overview on the history and origins of the European Union, its common history, the cohesion among its peoples, the Commissions and the Treaties. The second part looks at, in particular, at the Union’s economic institutions, the European Central Bank, the single currency, the economic and monetary union, the coordination of economic policies up to the analysis of the recent economic crisis, its motivations, the role of American banks, the new protest movements, the crisis of democracy and future prospects.

(*) Taking into account the fast changes taking place within the EU some information included into the individual lessons may outdated.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
Video professors
Prof. Romano Prodi - Già Presidente Della Commissione Europea Dal 1999 Al 2004 (Belgio). Già Presidente Del Consiglio Dei Ministri Italiano Dal 1996 Al 1998 E Dal 2006 Al 2008.
Prof. Mario Monti - Già Presidente Del Consiglio Dei Ministri (Italia). Già Commissario Europeo (Belgio). Presidente Dell’università “Bocconi” (Italia)
List of lessons