Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Computer engineering (Academic Year 2017/2018) - Computer Engineering

Communication technologies

Credits: 9
Content language:English
Course description
The course aims to treat the basic elements of telecommunications. Starting from the signals theory, it will be processed the main concepts of telecommunications theory . Particularly we will study the techniques of transmission and reception of various types of channels: electrical cables, radio channels and optical fibers
Calculus 1, linear algebra, probability and statistics
To provide a preliminary overview of the various methods of a transmission system.
Introduction to the theory of signals: deterministic Signals, Fourier transform, spectral analysis, definition of a signal band of, the transfer function and definition of bandwidth of a system, filters. Sampling theorem. Random signals, statistical characterization and hints on the power spectrum. Analog & Digital transmissions: Analog Sources, analog modulations (AM, FM). Digital transmissions: Sources numbers, quantization, PCM conversion and A / D and D / A. Digital modulations (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM).
Communication Systems Engineering (2nd Edition), John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi (Author)
Exam will include three main points: one exercise and two Open questions Exercises will concern above all: -Convolution and Correlation exercises between known signal forms. -Fourier Transform method -TLC systems and filters To improve Exam simulation, it is suggested to try to break Convolution and Correlation exercises in three steps, aimed to: -to graph or describe signal in analytic -to perform the calc, trying the calculation way or the visual way (generally faster). -to graph results Exam will concern theory test. It is suggested to focus on Digital Transmission and analog modulations
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
Video professors
Prof. Roberto Garello - Politecnico di Torino (Torino - Italy)
List of lessons
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 7: A/D Conversion  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 10: Signal Space  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 13: Spectrum  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 14: Channels  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 22: m-PAM  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 24: m-PSK  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 25: m-QAM  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 29: ADSL  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 30: DVB-T  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
    •  Lesson n. 31: LTE  Go to this lesson
Roberto Garello
Roberto Garello