Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Business management and digital technologies (Academic Year 2023/2024) - Gestione d'impresa e tecnologie digitali

Advanced web technologies

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to allow student to collect competences in the field of advanced web technologies. In details, students will learn how to use brand new web technologies, the way to manage the internet platforms, and the use of advanced and more sophisticated web technologies. In this way, students will be independent in using and developing new web solutions and applications.
Foundations of computer science
The aim of this course is to create a manager of Advanced Web Technologies, to develop the understanding of the Advanced Web Technologies potentialities and their advanced applications, and the understanding of the current mainstream technologies for Web Applications.
The course can be divided in 3 sections as described below. 1. Technologies for the Advanced Web • The Web technology. Architectures, Languages, infrastructures, mobile access • XaaS (Software / Platform / Infrastructure as a Service) • Secure distributed transactions: Blockchain, Backfeed, Crypto-currencies (Bitcoin) • Semantic Web. RDF, Linked data • UML Web Engineering (UWE). Model Driven Development, WebRatio 2. Tools for Web-based cooperation and content sharing • Shared Storage in the Cloud. Dropbox, iCLoud, OneDrive, Amazon Cloud Drive, Mega, GDrive and GDocs • CMS. Google Sites. WordPress. Drupal. Alfresco. Ontorion • Wiki platforms • Stack Overflow, eMule, Torrent • Collaboration platforms. Trello, Slack, Asana • Project management. Redmine 3. Advanced Web Applications • Platform Economy, Sharing economy. Uber, Airbnb, BlaBlaCar. • Web-based Learning, MOOCs • Web-based business gaming. Unity • Social Media for the enterprise. LinkedIn, FB, Twitter, G+
In progress
Open questions, simulation activities, exercises.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Luigi Laura
Video professors
Prof. Michele Missikoff - Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Cognition, CNR (Roma - Italia)
Prof. Antonio De Nicola - Laboratory for the Analysis and Protection of Critical Infrastructures ENEA (Roma - Italia)
List of lessons
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
Michele Missikoff
    •  Lesson n. 8: I big data  Go to this lesson
Antonio De Nicola
Antonio De Nicola
Antonio De Nicola
Antonio De Nicola
Antonio De Nicola
Antonio De Nicola
Michele Missikoff
Antonio De Nicola