Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2024/2025) - Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

Financial accounting

Credits: 9
Content language:English
Course description
This course emphasizes the fundamental tools and techniques in accounting and is customized for students involved in undergraduate studies. This module is a foundation course for the entire programme and is structured in two important parts in financial and managerial accounting. The module is on financial accounting and explains the objective of financial reporting for any organisation and the importance of the accounting mechanism that produces them, under international accounting standards. It provides a comprehensive review on the preparation of financial statements and the understanding of the role they play on how businesses communicate the financial performance to the different stakeholders in their annual report.
On successful completion of the module, students should be able to: • Ensure that all students understand the nature and the role of financial reporting. • Ensure that students acquire a fundamental knowledge of the mechanics of accounting process and will then be able to prepare, analyse a complete set of financial statements: balance sheet, income statement, statement of retained earnings and cash flow statement. • Introduce to students the basic framework of International Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and broaden their general knowledge of businesses. • Ensure that all students acquire an insightful knowledge of governance and ethical behaviour challenges related to financial accounting. • Ensure that students understand the evolving roles of accountants for the purpose of implementing global reporting standards.
The main areas covered are as follows: • Part 1 – Accounting and Value Measurement Systems • Part 2 – Preparation of Financial Statements • Part 3 – Analysis of Financial Statements • Part 4 – Governance and Reporting Standards

• Atrill, P. McLaney, E. (2013), Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, 7th edition, Pearson Ed. Ltd. • Elliott B. and Elliott J. (2015), Financial Accounting and Reporting, 17th Edition, Pearson Ed. Ltd.

In addition to the above books, we suggested another recent book that can be useful to go in depth in some topics of the program: Financial accounting 10th Edition - By Robert Libby and Patricia Libby and Frank Hodge (2020).

The assessment method will be a combination of practical exercises and problems solving administered at the end of each seminar. It may cover any material taught in the module. It tests students’ fundamental understanding of the main concepts studied in class, their ability to apply them and/or their aptitude to critically analyse a situation. Two (2) compulsory coursework assignments will be administered during the virtual classrooms and chat sessios sessions to test students’ understanding of the different concepts duly covered. Each assignment should be completed individually and submitted electronically.
Elisabetta Magnaghi
Video professors
Prof. Andry Rakotovololona - Global University Systems
List of lessons
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona
Andry Rakotovololona