Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Psychosocial disciplines (Academic Year 2020/2021)

Language and communication

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to describe human language, defining its role within the communication. Origin and development of language, will be taken into consideration from a phylogenetic as well as from a ontogenetic point of view. The organization of the various aspects of language (phonology, lexicon, syntax, pragmatics) will be examined through a perspective in between psycholinguistics, which studies phenomena and processes, and neuro-linguistic, which studies mechanisms and neural substrates underlying human language, a fundamental social tool. Furthermore verbal and nonverbal communication will be considered in both, typical and pathological aspects.
Anatomical and functional knowledge of the neural architecture of the brain.
Language and languages. Levels: biology-genetics, linguistics, neurophysiology and functional neuroanatomy, neurophysiology. Fundamental properties of human spoken language. Speech perception and speech production. Elements of anatomophysiology of the auditory and the phonoarticulatory systems. Organizational levels of the language: phonetics, phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. Memory and language. Techniques for the study of typical and pathological language. Neuroimaging. Electrophysiological techniques: EEG and event-related potentials, magneto encephalography, electrocorticalgraphy and direct stimulation of the brain parenchyma. Transcranial magnetic stimulation. Bilingualism. Language disorders resulting from brain injury. History and theoretical foundations of aphasiology. Major aphasia syndromes: phenomenology and diagnosis. Writing, reading and numeracy disorders. Communication (verbal and nonverbal). Communication disorders. The gesture and its pathology.

1.Aglioti, S. M., Fabbro, F. (2006). Neuropsicologia del linguaggio. Bologna: Il Mulino

2.Russo Cardona, T., Volterra, V. (2007, ristampa 2013). Le lingue dei Segni. Storia e
Semiotica. Roma: Carocci Editore (Cap. 1, 2, 3, 5 e 6)

3.Roccaforte, M. & Volterra, V. (2016). La lingua dei segni italiana. In Lubello, S. (a cura di),
Manuale di Linguistica italiana (709-728). Berlino: De Gruyter Editore
(da scaricare nel materiale didattico videolezione 18)

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Olga Capirci
List of lessons
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
    •  Lesson n. 2: La linguistica  Go to this lesson
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Salvatore Maria Aglioti
Virginia Volterra
Virginia Volterra
Virginia Volterra
Virginia Volterra
Virginia Volterra
Virginia Volterra
Virginia Volterra