Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communications, Media and Advertising (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Television and journalism language (new edition)

Content language:Italian
Course description
This course wants to give the basic informations on new media and journalism world. The student is taken along a road to acknowledge the different realities of this interesting planet. The course starts with a profound picture on general themes to go then into more specific subjects, such as the evolution of the three main areas of communication, Radio, Tv and new media. Leaded by high qualified teachers, professors and professional journalists, the videolessons are always available to the students so that they can be able to view it at their best convenience. The 3 tests that the students are asked to do during the course are focalized on the rules of writing in a journalistic style, the meaning of being a war correspondent, how to synthesize a press release. Languages of Tv and Journalism is a course that offers a large basic culture to implement your interest for journalism and communication.
It’s essential to love writing, have a good general culture and be able to write in a very proper way. It’s desirable be able to synthetize.
To offer the students a large basic knowledge to become a professionist
Apart from the two books, the videolessons are divided by macro subjects: general themes, press, radio, tv, new media, politics, economy, science, religions, studies on the audience, istituitions
  • Vittorio Roidi, “piccolo manuale del giornalismo – che cos’è, come si fa” - Editori GLF Laterza
  • Gianpiero Gamaleri, “Le mail di Ob@ma – I nuovi linguaggi per finanziare una campagna elettorale e vincere le elezioni – Armando Editore
The written exercises are based on the two books and videolessons. In this way the student can get a better practice on writing in a journalist style. A good journalistc style capacity makes half of the judgement that is expressed by 10/10.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Gianpiero Gamaleri
List of lessons
Gianpiero Gamaleri
Gianpiero Gamaleri
Gian Piero Jacobelli
Gianpiero Gamaleri
Gian Piero Jacobelli
Gian Piero Jacobelli
Vittorio Roidi
Vittorio Roidi
Giuseppe Sanzotta
Ignazio Ingrao
Emanuele Giordana
Emanuele Giordana
Giuseppe Sanzotta
Gianpiero Gamaleri
Emanuele Giordana
Gianpiero Gamaleri
Maurizio Gianotti
Maurizio Gianotti
Maurizio Gianotti
Marco Frittella
Laura Kiss
Laura Kiss
Emanuele Giordana
Edoardo Novelli
Edoardo Novelli
Gianpiero Gamaleri
Eugenio Occorsio
Eugenio Occorsio
Marco Ferrazzoli
Marco Ferrazzoli
Ignazio Ingrao
Ignazio Ingrao
Fabrizio Noli
Roberto Baldassari
Raffaele Pastore
Raffaele Pastore
Bruno Tucci
Bruno Tucci
Maarten van Aalderen
Maarten van Aalderen
Maarten van Aalderen
Maarten van Aalderen