Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2019/2020) - Public Institutions and Digital Media

Digital and Social Media Management

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description

In the learning path of the student of Communication Sciences, the module on “Digital and Social Media Management” is included as a basic course aimed at the acquisition of the skills needed to plan an integrated communication meant to present and enhance the core values of any institution or organization.


The module entails no specific prerequisites.


The module is aimed at exploring the various areas encompassed by the multifaceted profile of the digital and social manager, focusing on the skills required by the communication planning, contents production and results analysis processes in order to supply the tools needed to deal with a continuously evolving professional world.


The video lessons deal with the following issues:

Planning of integrated communication strategy

Owned and Earned media: institutional websites, blogs, apps and social networks

Positioning, thematic areas and key words

The importance of policy, from the tone of voice to managing crises

Social media, platforms, formats, languages

Brand Reputation

Users’ profiling

Storytelling: narratives and cross-media contents

The editorial calendar

Writing for the Web

Feeding the community: from managing comments to groups building

Digital PR and Influencer Marketing

Reach wider audiences through social advertising techniques

Measuring the results: analytics, metrics, KPIs


- Landi C., Colicci F., Social media expert. Analizza, promuovi, monitora e ottimizza, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2021.

- Gemma A., Il social media è il messaggio. Teoria e tecniche del social media management, Meltemi editore, Milano, 2023.


Le esercitazioni previste consisteranno in test obbligatori di autovalutazione che studenti e studentesse dovranno svolgere e in esercitazioni consegnabili volte ad analizzare casi studio di alcuni marchi.

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Elisa Angelici, Livio La Mattina
Video professors
Prof. Elisa Angelici - Dicastero per la comunicazione - Santa Sede (Roma - Italia)
List of lessons
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici
Elisa Angelici