Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Giornalismo e Comunicazione Crossmediale (Academic Year 2023/2024)

The tools of communication

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description

The "digital revolution" taking place in recent years has also deeply changed the world of information. This course aims to offer the knowledge needed to do journalism on different platforms. Starting from the elements of proper diction to the development of multimedia content on the Web, to the rules of SEO writing, the interaction and relations with TV, radio and social networks, how to protect oneself against fake news and how to interact with artificial intelligence.

Proper basic training connected to related subjects.

The course aims to deliver the knowledge necessary to communicate using the appropriate languages for each medium.


The course includes some lessons devoted to the acquisition of proper diction, use of different languages and rhetoric in online and offline media. Introduction to SEO and making videos for online streaming.


Production of an audio or video news report.

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Emilio Carelli
List of lessons
Riccardo Cresci
Riccardo Cresci
Riccardo Cresci
Riccardo Cresci
Riccardo Cresci
Flavia Trupia
Patty Torchia
Marco Montemagno
Antonio Santamato
Felice Florio
Maurizio Caprara