Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2023/2024) - Digital Corporate Communication

SEO & Social Media Management

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description

This basic course is part of the educational path for acquiring the necessary knowledge and preliminary skills of a digital marketing professional, specifically for search marketing and social media marketing. SEO specialist (or SEO manager) and Social Media Manager are two well-established professions in the contemporary market, and the course focuses on the skills that characterize these two professional roles. The perspective is analytical and critical, following a logic of higher education, with practical insights into the tools that a company or professional can use to implement digital marketing strategies on search and social channels.


It is advisable to have taken the course in Corporate Communication or Elements of Marketing.


The purpose of this degree course is to provide students with in-depth and practical knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies, Social Media Management, and Content Marketing. Through the analysis of search engines, social media management, and the creation of engaging content, students will be able to compete effectively in the field of digital marketing.


The video lessons cover the following main topics or modules:

  • Search Engine Optimization

The module of the university course on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) focuses on analyzing competition on Google and strategies to gain greater visibility within the search engine. The topics covered include understanding the visibility space offered by Google, the different forms of search results (SERPs), Google's user experience (UX), and the different types of searches performed by users.

Furthermore, the course delves into the importance of keyword research as a strategic activity to identify the most relevant words and phrases for ranking in search results. Techniques for conducting effective keyword research and how to use this information to optimize one's content are explained.

The module also focuses on the technical and content ranking factors that influence search engine rankings. Both on-page factors (such as content optimization, keyword usage, website structure) and off-page factors (such as backlinks and domain authority) are covered.

In summary, the SEO module of the university course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the strategies and practices necessary to compete and gain visibility on search engines, focusing on key aspects such as understanding SERPs, keyword research, and technical and content ranking factors both on-page and off-page.

  • Social Media Management

The module of the university course on social media management focuses on the fundamentals of managing a marketing campaign on social networks, covering various phases of the process. Initially, the foundations of planning a social media campaign are explained, including audience targeting strategies, competitive analysis, and identification of marketing objectives.

Subsequently, the module delves into the concept of an editorial plan, teaching students how to create relevant and engaging content for different social networks. Best practices for creating posts, using images, videos, persuasive texts, and storytelling to capture the audience's attention are illustrated.

Next, the course vertically analyzes the main social networks, exploring their history, audience, formats, and visibility opportunities offered by each platform. The use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other relevant social networks is explored in depth.

In addition to the overview of different platforms, the module also focuses on the role of influencers and creators in the field of social media communication and marketing. The advantages and challenges of collaborating with influencers are examined, and guidelines for creating effective partnerships are provided.

Finally, the course addresses communication and marketing strategies specific to each social network. Techniques for optimizing content visibility, audience engagement, user interaction, and result measurement are taught.

In summary, the social media management module of the university course provides students with a solid foundation for managing a marketing campaign on social networks. The fundamental phases of planning and the editorial plan are covered, followed by an in-depth analysis of major social networks, including visibility opportunities, influencer usage, and communication and marketing strategies specific to each platform.

  • Content Marketing

The module of the university course on content marketing focuses on the central role of content as a communication and marketing element, connecting the topics covered in the previous modules on social media and SEO. It explores how content is the key to reaching the audience through both social media and search engines.

The module begins by introducing the concept of content strategy and the importance of developing a well-structured content marketing plan. Students will learn how to define clear objectives, identify the target audience, and create a plan to produce and distribute consistent and relevant content.

In particular, the course focuses on branding as a fundamental element of every content marketing strategy. Students will explore how to create a consistent and distinctive brand identity through content, including the messages, style, and values they wish to communicate.

Subsequently, the module examines storytelling as an effective tool for engaging the audience and creating an emotional connection with the brand. Students will learn techniques for creating persuasive narratives using elements of suspense, emotion, and personalization.

Finally, the module also addresses current topics in content marketing, such as sustainability from a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perspective, green marketing, brand activism, and the reputation that can be built through an effective content marketing strategy. In summary, the content marketing module of the university course completes the exploration of the previous modules, delving into the central role of content as a communication and marketing tool on both social media and search engines. This module focuses on content strategy, branding, storytelling, and current topics such as sustainability, green marketing, and brand activism, enhancing the brand's reputation and content marketing strategy.


Kotler P., Hollensen S., Opresnik M.O., Social media marketing. Marketer dal phygital al metaverso, Milano, Hoepli, 2022.

Nobili F., SEO Google. La guida alla nuova SEO. Dagli intenti di ricerca al percorso di acquisto, Milano, Hoepli, 2019 (Quarta edizione).

Taverniti, G. e Lombardo, C. Google Liquido Verso Una Nuova Internet. Milano: Hoepli, 2022. Print.


During the course of study, you will have access to exercises and teaching materials that will allow you to put into practice the theoretical knowledge learned and help you develop a greater awareness of your level of preparation for the exam. For each main area, you will find self-assessment exercises that you should complete independently. There is no need to submit these exercises through the UNINETTUNO portal.

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Alessandro Piccari
List of lessons
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
    •  Lesson n. 7: Facebook  Go to this lesson
Paolo Odoardi
    •  Lesson n. 8: Instagram  Go to this lesson
Paolo Odoardi
    •  Lesson n. 9: Youtube  Go to this lesson
Paolo Odoardi
    •  Lesson n. 10: Tiktok  Go to this lesson
Paolo Odoardi
    •  Lesson n. 11: Linkedin  Go to this lesson
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi