Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Computer Architecture

Romeo Beccherelli
Professor: Romeo Beccherelli
Curriculum Vitae
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector: Dirigente di Ricerca CNR Convenzione con il CNR ai sensi dell'art.6, comma 11 Legge 240/10, art.3 DM del 27/11/2012 ING-INF/05 Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni
Didactics - course list:
Communication technologies (ar)
Communication technologies (en)
Communication technologies (it)
Computer Architecture (ar)
Computer Architecture (en)
Computer Architecture (fr)
Computer Architecture (it)
Computer architecture and digital system design (it)
Computer architecture and digital system design (en)
Computer Systems Architecture (en)
Computer Systems Architecture (it)
Title and authorsInformationYear
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