Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Psicologia di comunità

Cristiano Castelfranchi
Professor: Cristiano Castelfranchi
Curriculum Vitae
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector: Professione straordinario Uninettuno M-PSI/05
Dirigente di Ricerca CNR M-PSI/05 in pensione
Didactics - course list:
Attitudes (it)
Cognitive Psychology (it)
Communication and Persuasion (it)
Community psychology (it)
Community Psychology (it)
General Sociology (it)
Groups and social interactions (it)
Models and Strategies of Intervention in Social Psychology (it)
Psicologia sociale (it)
Psychobiology of human behavior (it)
Social Cognition (it)
Sociologia (it)
Techniques of individual and group interviewing (it)
Theories and tools for psychosocial evaluating (it)