Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - [WEB-08-07-159-P]

Business management and digital technologies (Academic Year 2019/2020)

Tecnologie web avanzate


Lesson n. 1: L’avvento della Web Economy – Parte I
   Indice della lezione

   Introduzione alla Web Economy

   Platform Economy

   Service Economy
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 1: L’avvento della Web Economy – Parte I
   Indice della lezione

   Introduzione alla Web Economy

   Platform Economy

   Service Economy
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 1: L’avvento della Web Economy – Parte I
   Indice della lezione

   Introduzione alla Web Economy

   Platform Economy

   Service Economy
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 2: L’avvento della Web Economy – Parte II
   Indice della lezione

   Sharing Economy

   Circular Economy

   Knowledge Economy
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 3: Verso l’Impresa Web – Part I

   Web Company

   Digital Transformation

   Digital Enterprise
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 4: Verso l’Impresa Web – Part II

   A Global Scenario

   The web enterprise
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 5: Lo sviluppo delle applicazioni Web

   What is a Web Application

   Web App Development

   Business Requirement and Agile Conceptual Modeling
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 6: La modellazione dei requisiti d’impresa

   A systematic approach to Enterprise Requirement Modeling

   User Requirement Modeling

   Conceptual Modeling Basics
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 7: Introduzione al formalismo UML

   Static Modeling: Class diagram

   Dynamic modeling: use case diagram

   Web application design: Violet-UML
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 8: I big data

   What is big data?

   Big data challenges

   Big data analytics

   eCommerce and Market Intelligence Case study
Go to this slide Antonio De Nicola
Lesson n. 9: I social media per il business

   Social media introductory concepts

   Social media functionalities

   Business opportunities of social media
Go to this slide Antonio De Nicola
Lesson n. 10: Le reti sociali

   What are social networks

   Social network analysis workflow

   Techniques and applications for sentiment analysis

   Business applications of social networks
Go to this slide Antonio De Nicola
Lesson n. 11: La collaborazione sul Web per il business

   Basics of web collaboration

   Sharing and communication software

   Project management software

   Rapid application development software

   Innovation management software
Go to this slide Antonio De Nicola
Lesson n. 12: Gioco e gamification

   Gaming and gamification in the business world

   Game elements

   Gaming and gamification: how to proceed

   Gaming and gamification technologies
Go to this slide Antonio De Nicola
Lesson n. 13: Il Web e le infrastrutture distribuite

   How world wide web works

   Network models

   Distributed computing


   Map Reduce
Go to this slide Antonio De Nicola
Lesson n. 14: Tecnologie Web: un esempio pratico

   A concrete example of web technology at work

   Starting wordpress

   Start building a web site

   Sub-pages and navigation
Go to this slide Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 15: Il Web Semantico

   Main Concepts

   Linked Data

   Ontology Building

   Protégé Tutorial
Go to this slide Antonio De Nicola