Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Computer Engineering (Academic Year 2020/2021) - Big Data

Big Data Analytics and Visualization

Past Virtual Classrooms Sessions

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Material related to the whole subject.

Lesson n.1: Introduction to Big Data Analytics and visualization

Lesson n.2: Introduction to machine learning

Lesson n.3: Fundamentals of machine learning - Part one

Lesson n.4: Fundamentals of machine learning - Part two

Lesson n.5: Fundamentals of machine learning - Part three

Lesson n.6: Deep learning. Part one

Lesson n.7: Deep learning. Part two

Lesson n.8: Bias-variance, and Errors and metrics

Lesson n.9: Support vector machines. Part one

Lesson n.10: Support vector machines. Part two

Lesson n.11: Support vector machines. Part three

Lesson n.12: Unsupervised learning

Lesson n.13: Principal component analysis and factor analysis

Lesson n.14: Reinforcement Learning and Control

Lesson n.15: Learning theory

Lesson n.16: Regularization and model selection