Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Logiche e Tecniche di Project Management (Academic Year 2021/2022)

Digital innovation

Video professors: Michele Missikoff - Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Cognition, CNR (Roma - Italia)


Lesson n. 1: Digital Innovation: Introduction & Framing
   Innovation: an unavoidable commitment for human kind

   Innovation and the Industrial Revolutions

   The New World Economy: Towards the Post-Modern Society
Go to this lesson Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 2: What is innovation?
   A First Glance to Digital Innovation

   The phases towards Digital Innovation

   The Why – What – Who – How of Innovation
Go to this lesson Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 3: Digital Innovation: Impact on Society
   Digital Innovation: Opportunities and Risks

   Social Engineering

   Future Socio-economic Scenarios
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Lesson n. 4: The Upcoming Digital Economy
   Introduction to the Digital Economy

   Knowledge Economy

   Big Data Economy
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Lesson n. 5: Platform and service economy
   Digital Platform Economy

   Digital Service economy
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Lesson n. 6: Sharing and Circular Economy
   Sharing Economy

   Shareconomy Platforms

   Circular Economy
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Lesson n. 7: Smart Enterprise
   Enterprise 4.0

   Service Oriented Enterprise
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Lesson n. 8: Next Enterprise
   Extreme integrated automation

   Distributed Peer Production
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Lesson n. 9: Essence of Innovation
   The nature of Innovation

   New perspectives on innovation
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Lesson n. 10: Knowledge Driven Innovation
   Knowledge: the 'oil' of innovation

   Enterprise Knowledge Lifecycle
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Lesson n. 11: Knowledge Innovation Factory
   Knowledge value chain

   Knowledge for Innovation
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Lesson n. 12: Enterprise Innovation Lifecycle
   Start an innovation project

   Carry out innovation
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Lesson n. 13: Open Business Ecosystems
   Open collaborative ecosystem

   Open innovation ecosystem
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Lesson n. 14: Innovation Management
   Strategic innovation management

   Operational innovation management
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Lesson n. 15: Peer Production
   Various Dimensions of Peer Production

   Virtual Liquid Enterprise
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Lesson n. 16: Future of Work
   Human versus intelligent machine work

   A paradigm shift in human labour
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Lesson n. 17: Innovation Thinking
   How to explore the creativity space

   Consolidation of Generated Ideas
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Lesson n. 18: Conceptual Modeling
   Conceptual Modeling Basics

   Conceptual relations
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Lesson n. 19: Model-driven Innovation. Part one
   Innovation Stages and Model-Driven Architecture

   EasInnova Innovation Matrix

   First Innovation Step in Computation Independent Models (CIM) Layer
Go to this lesson Michele Missikoff
Lesson n. 20: Model-driven Innovation. Part two
   Platform Independent Models – Final Models for the Innovation

   Platform Specific Models – Implementing the Innovative Solution (with BonitaSoft)
Go to this lesson Michele Missikoff