Med Net ‘U - mediterranean network for unified distance learning (University and vocational training level)

The skills and technologies of the educational model of the International Telematic University received a strong in-put from the Project Med Net ‘U, inserted in the UE programme EUMEDIS, in which numerous Euro-Mediterranean Universities had the opportunity to collaborate during the period from 1 September 2002 to 30 June 2006. Within this project, the Consortium NETTUNO had the coordinating role of the horizontal activities (General Management and Dissemination Activities) and was engaged in the management of the “Technological Architecture” sub-project implementation.
In the following section there is more detailed information on the Project:
Web Site of Project
The European Commision Program
The first contractor
NETTUNO - Network for the University Everywhere
The Med Net'U Project aims at creating a Distance Euro-Mediterranean University for a continuing University and Vocational Training Learning for the purpose of:
Promote an enduring dialogue with the Euro-Mediterranean region in order to understand and share skills related to the Information Society and to start an interaction and cooperation with the world of higher education and training;
Contribute to social and economic development of the countries involved in the creation of a technological multilingual platform for distance learning with unified methodologies and technological solutions;
Develop teaching processes targeted at the specific needs of the partners.
In particular, the Med Net'U aims the following specific objectives:
Launch a process of harmonisation of the Euro-Mediterranean educational and training systems through the adoption of a common methodological and technological strategy;
Identify the criteria to effectively adapt the courses that are already produced from NETTUNO to the needs of the Mediterranean Universities;
Realize Distance University courses aimed at the training of academic and technical staff and the use of new technologies;
Create a common technological platform to carry out distance teaching and learning processes.
Structure of the project: the project was divided into three main sub-projects:
Sub-project Didactical Technological Architecture, that relates to the creation of the Network structure from a Technical and Managerial point of view (creation of the structures and training of the technical trainers, technical production and transmission - satellite TV and Internet via Satellite - of the teaching modules);
Sub-Project University that relates to the education of university professors and tutors, the pedagogical framework and the design of teaching modules for the University users;
Sub-Project Continuing Vocational Training (VET, Vocational Educational Training) that relates to the training of VET professors and tutors, the pedagogical framework and the design of teaching modules for VET users.
The three sub-projects will be managed and coordinated with the support of vast numbers of horizontal actions relating to: General Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Dissemination Activities, Planning of Future Activities after the funding phase
The NETTUNO’s Role
As the first contractor, the NETTUNO coordinates the horizontal activities of the project (General Management and Dissemination Activities) and manages the “Technological Architecture” sub-project implementation, in particular:
activities of the technical-scientific committee;
standardization of the technologies used in different Production Centres and Technological Poles;
training of the technical staff;
equipment of Production Centers
equipment of Service Centers;
equipment of Receiving Centers;
adaptation of the existing courses to multi-language version;
web-site development.
The Nettuno participates also in the activities of the other two sub-projects as a member of the ad hoc scientific committees.
September 1, 2002 - June 30, 2006
Institut Supérieur de Gestion et de la planification
Université Djillali Liabes de Sidi-bel-Abbes - Algeria
Cairo University
Helwan University
Egyptian Association Incubator
Fondation Sophia Antipolis
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Aegean University
University of Crete
Politecnico di Torino
Istituto per il Mediterraneo
Consorzio per la Formazione Internazionale
Management and Technology Consulting Group
Jordan University of Science and technologies
Yarmouk University
Ecole National Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Systèmes
Université Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech)
Ministère de l'Emploi, de la Formation Professionnelle, du Développement Social et de la Solidarité
Université Ibn Zohr
Université Mohamed V - Souissi
University of Aleppo
Damascus University
Syrian Virtual University
Ministère del'Education et de la Formation Professionnelle
Ministère des technologies de la communication et du Transport
Institut National de Bureautique et de Micro-Informatique
Université de Tunis El Manar
Université Virtuelle Tunisienne
Ege University