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WORLD TELEVSION DAY "ERA LA RAI”: the story of RAI told by its protagonists. The new TV program by UNINETTUNO


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On the 21st November, on the occasion of 2019 World Television Day, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents the television program entitled: “Era la Rai. Alle Origini del Servizio Pubblico (It was RAI. At the Origins of the Public Service)”, designed and supervised by Lilli Fabiani and realized by the UNINETTUNO University. The event will be held on Thursday the 21st , at 12:00 am, at the University’s Conference Hall (Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 – Rome - Italy). An opportunity to reflect, all together, on the role played by RAI in the cultural growth of our Country. 
Piero Angela, Pippo Baudo, Gianni Bisiach, Enrica Bonaccorti, Fabiano Fabiani, Lorenza Foschini, Carlo Freccero, Angelo Guglielmi, Emmanuele Milano, Tito Stagno, Bruno Voglino, Roberto Zaccaria, Sergio Zavoli, Furio Colombo, Giovanni Minoli: here are the protagonists of this cycle of 15 exclusive interviews that give the audience an unusual portrait of the most popular faces of the Italian television. Thanks to their accounts, to the anecdotes and backstories they tell, we delve into the full swing of the story of the Italian public service.
Anyhow, does the RAI of knowledge and competences still exist? What should we expect from the future? Does it still make sense to speak about a “public service”? To answer these questions there will be those who spent their whole lives in those rooms, offices and studios.
A teaser of the program will be presented during the meeting. The program will be aired starting from Monday the 2nd December 2019, at 9:00 pm on the via satellite digital channel, (channel 812 of Sky and 701 of TivùSat).
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, born from Consorzio NETTUNO, working in Italy since 1992 and including 41 Italian public universities and companies, since its origin, gave an important contribution to the social development of our Country by broadcasting university lessons delivered by the best Italian and international lecturers on RAI channels, during the night schedules. 
“The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has always considered television as a technology of the mind”, Maria Amata Garito states. “Thanks to its channel, UninettunoUniversity.Tv, the television of knowledge” – she continues - “it has been bringing the University into the homes of everybody, thus democratizing the access to knowledge. Today, on the World Television Day, it is an opportunity for reflecting, an insight into history, aimed at building the future …”