Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Teaching Activities Planning

Teaching Activities Planning Acad. Year 2023/2024  applicable to all Faculties and Modules

Delivery Period First Session Second Session

From 15 September 2023 (Friday) to 15 November 2023 (Wednesday)

From December 1, 2023 (Friday) to December 12, 2023 (Tuesday)

From January 12, 2024 (Friday) to January 23, 2024 (Tuesday)

From January 18, 2024 (Thursday) to March 16, 2024 (Saturday)

From April 2, 2024 (Tuesday) to April 11, 2024 (Thursday)

From May 02 2024 (Thursday) to May 16 2024 (Thursday)

From 15 May 2024 (Wednesday) to 06 July 2024 (Saturday)

From 19 July 2024 (Friday) to 27 July 2024 (Saturday)

From 11 September 2024 (Wednesday) to 21 September 2024 (Saturday)

Additional Session: From October 19, 2024 (Saturday) to October 26, 2024 (Saturday)

The three delivery periods, for each course and for each academic year, were structured as such in order to make them consistent with the teaching model as well as to assure a greater possibility for customizing the study timesheets of students, who will be able to enroll for the delivery of a specific course deciding in which period of the year undertake it and also with the Additional Session in the Study Courses that the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO leaves open all they year round; therefore, the student will be able to enroll at any time of the year, access the video lessons and their related teaching materials and, at the same time, benefit from a delivery period under the supervision of a Teacher/Tutor.

Teaching Activities Planning Acad. Year 2024/2025  applicable to all Faculties and Modules

Delivery Period First Session Second Session

From September 16, 2024 (Monday) to 16 November 2024 (Saturday)

From December 2, 2024 (Monday) to December 11, 2024 (Wednesday)

From January 11, 2025 (Saturday) to January 18, 2025 (Saturday)

From January 20, 2025 (Monday) to March 18, 2025 (Tuesday)

From April 1, 2025 (Tuesday) to April 12, 2025 (Saturday)

From May 02, 2025 (Friday) to May 14, 2025 (Wednesday)

From May 15, 2025 (Thursday) to July 08, 2025 (Tuesday)

From July 19, 2025 (Saturday) to July 26, 2025 (Saturday)

From September 11, 2025 (Thursday) to September 20, 2025 (Saturday)

Additional Session: From October 18, 2025 (Saturday) to October 25, 2025 (Saturday)

The three delivery periods, for each course and for each academic year, were structured as such in order to make them consistent with the teaching model as well as to assure a greater possibility for customizing the study timesheets of students, who will be able to enroll for the delivery of a specific course deciding in which period of the year undertake it and also with the Additional Session in the Study Courses that the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO leaves open all they year round; therefore, the student will be able to enroll at any time of the year, access the video lessons and their related teaching materials and, at the same time, benefit from a delivery period under the supervision of a Teacher/Tutor.