Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Èconomie et gestion des entreprises (Academic Year 2024/2025) - Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

Statistics and business statistics

CFU: 9
Langue du contenu:Anglais
Description du cours
The course of Statistics and Business Statistics aims to provide students with the fundamentals of statistics methodology used in economic and business studies. The main contents of the courses are indicated below: descriptive statistics; probability; linear simple regression models; multiple regression models. The lessons include some application of statistical instrument to business and economic cases.
Connaissances requises
Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Professeur non disponible
Liste des leçons
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna
Massimo Tivegna