Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Event Management Strategies and Contemporary Issues

Tuteur: Sabahudin Hadzialic
Curriculum Vitae
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector:
Didactics - course list:
Business Decision Making for the Hospitality Industry (en)
Climate Action: Strategies and Policies (en)
Climate Journalism (en)
Cross Cultural Management (en)
Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Events (en)
Event Management Strategies and Contemporary Issues (en)
Experiences from the Field and Case Studies (en)
Green Economy and Dilemma of Growth (en)
Hospitality Operations Management (en)
International Project Management (en)
Made in Italy: History of Italian Fashion (en)
Made in Italy: When Fashion Meets Identity (en)
Media and religion: Pope Francis' model of communication (en)
Media Ethic in Professional Journalism (en)
PART I - What is climate change (ar)
PART I - What is climate change (en)
PART I - What is climate change (fr)
PART II - Reporting climate change (ar)
PART II - Reporting climate change (en)
PART II - Reporting climate change (fr)
PART III – Experiences and case studies (ar)
PART III – Experiences and case studies (en)
PART III – Experiences and case studies (fr)
Principals of Fashion Management and Administration (en)
Reporting Climate Change (en)
Strategic Approach in Marketing Planning for Hospitality (en)
The Impact of Climate Change (en)
The Origin of Fashion (en)
Tourism and Hospitality Business Strategy (en)
What is Climate Change (en)