Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Law and Policies (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Introduction to the Master


Leçon n. 1: Master on EU Law and its Policies - Introduction
   Presentation of the Coordinator Prof. Pier Virgilio Dastoli

   Presentation of the Modules


   The European Union in Front of its Crisis

   The Eu Leaders: Barroso, Rompuy, Ashton

   The New Countries Accepted in Euro

   The Financial Tsunami

   What is at Stake Now?

   What Means a Genuine Political Union?

   The Roadmap to Reach the Political Union

   The Future of the Europe
Vai alla slide della lezione Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Leçon n. 2: The European Union Continues to be in Crisis - Conclusion

   Financial and Economic Crisis

   Bank Union and Fiscal Union

   The Way to the Political Union

   Unity in Diversity

   Conclusion: Is This Realistic?
Vai alla slide della lezione Pier Virgilio Dastoli