Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Gestion d’Entreprise technologies numériques (Academic Year 2016/2017)

International financial accounting

Leçon vidéo

Leçon n. 1: The financial accounting information
   The Financial information and external users

   Qualitative charateristics

   Financial accounting system

   Main financial statements
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 2: Financial statements
   Double entry bookkeping

   Preparation of financial statement
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 3: The fundamental principles
   Sole trader VS limited company

   the basic principles

   Preparing final financial statements IA1 Income statement
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 4: Non current asset
   Statement of financial position

   Valuation of non current asset

   Revaluation model
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 5: Depreciation of tangible assets
   Depreciation concept

   Depreciation model

   Disposal of non current asset
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 6: Intangible assets
   What is an intangible asset?

   Accountig issue IAS 38

   Intangibels recognised in business combinations
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 7: Current assets
   Definition of current assets


   Accruals and prepayments
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Leçon n. 8: Liabilities
   Liabilities and provisions

   Measurement of provisions

   Particular circumstances included in IAS 37

   Contingent liabilities and assets
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 9: Revenue
   What is revenue?

   Revenue in operating cycle

   Revenue transaction with separate components
Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 10: Interpretation of financial statements
   Analytical techniques and process

   Ratio analysis



Go to this lesson Elisabetta Magnaghi
Leçon n. 11: Sustainability and corporate social responsibility
   Sustainability and sustainable development


   CSR dimensions

   Stakeholders' theory

   Shared value creation
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 12: The evolution of the concept of corporate social responsibility
   Institutional initiatives at international level

   Institutional initiatives at european level
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 13: Triple bottom line
   Shared value

   Triple bottom line

   Argumentation in favour

   Argumentation against
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 14: Extra-financial reporting
   Change requests regarding corporate reporting

   accountability concept

   Characteristics of extra accountin information

   Reference and reporintng standards
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 15: From the social report to the sustainability report
   Enviromental report

   Social report

   Reference framework

   Process framework
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 16: Content models of the social report
   GBS framework

   IBS framework

   CSR-SC framework

   GRI framework
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 17: GRI Framework
   The Global Reporting Initiatives

   Reporting process

   Guiding principles

   Materiality principle
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 18: Integrated Management Frameworks
   The Balanced scorecard

   Sustainability balances scorecard

   Skandia Navigator
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Leçon n. 19: European Directive 2013/95/EU
   Directive 2014/95/EU

   Motivation and companies involved

   Information to be provided
Go to this lesson Sonia Chikh M'Hamed
Leçon n. 20: Integrated Reporting
   Integrated reporting

   Fundamental concepts

   Content elements

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