Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Logiche e Tecniche di Project Management (Academic Year 2022/2023)

Digital innovation


Filtrer par année académique
Matériel relatif à l’entier enseignement.

1. Discorso del Presidente del Uruguai  (A.Y. 2017/2018)
modello di sviluppo consumismo ambiente sviluppo sociale
1. The Story of Stuff  (A.Y. 2017/2018)
1. The Story of Stuff (Italian version)  (A.Y. 2017/2018)
2. The fourth industrial revolution  (A.Y. 2017/2018)
revolution 4th industrial revolution discovery technology digital technology

Leçon n.1: Digital Innovation: Introduction & Framing

Leçon n.2: What is innovation?

Leçon n.3: Digital Innovation: Impact on Society

Leçon n.4: The Upcoming Digital Economy

Leçon n.5: Platform and service economy

Leçon n.6: Sharing and Circular Economy

Leçon n.7: Smart Enterprise

Leçon n.8: Next Enterprise

Leçon n.9: Essence of Innovation

Leçon n.10: Knowledge Driven Innovation

Leçon n.11: Knowledge Innovation Factory

Leçon n.12: Enterprise Innovation Lifecycle

Leçon n.13: Open Business Ecosystems

Leçon n.14: Innovation Management

Leçon n.15: Peer Production

Leçon n.16: Future of Work

Leçon n.17: Innovation Thinking

Leçon n.18: Conceptual Modeling

Leçon n.19: Model-driven Innovation. Part one

Leçon n.20: Model-driven Innovation. Part two