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E-World Marketing Summit: the Universities of the whole world on UNINETTUNO e-Learning platform to discuss about the future economy


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  • On the 6th and 7th November 2020 the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO University presents the e-World Marketing Summit, the biggest event worldwide devoted to strategic marketing, realized by the University in cooperation with Philip Kotler, father of digital marketing.
  • The event will be broadcasted in a 48-hour direct streaming from the UNINETTUNO e-Learning platform in 5 languages (Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese).
  • Among the protagonists 80 speakers including lecturers of the most renowned universities across the world, top managers of important multinationals, experts of sustainable economy and political personalities coming from several countries, who will discuss about the management of the crisis of the post-Covid era.

On the 6th and 7th November, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents the Electronic World Marketing Summit, the biggest online event worldwide devoted to strategic marketing, realized by the UNINETTUNO University in cooperation with Philip Kotler, the guru digital marketing and of the Kotler Impact Foundation, a community that has, among its objectives, that of spreading the culture of marketing and of sustainable economy.

The event, which will take place during a 48-hour live streaming to cover all time zones of the world, will be broadcasted by the e-learning platform of the UNINETTUNO University in five languages (Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese), based on an innovative format to make the user’s experience unique thanks to the technological solutions developed by UNINETTUNO. 

Among the protagonists there will be over 80 speakers including lecturers of the most renowned universities across the world, top managers of important multinationals, experts of sustainable economy and political personalities coming from several countries: United States, Latin America, South America, Africa, Middle East, India, Pakistan, China, India, Indonesia, Australia, Europe, Japan, Russia, Turkey, Arab Emirates, South Africa and many others.

Over 30 thousand delegates have registered in the event and particularly numerous is Italy’s participation with speeches by Romano Prodi and innovative companies such as ENEL X, Olivetti, Wunderman, Thompson Italia, Facebook Italia and lecturers and experts in the Hi-Tech sector.

The collaboration between UNINETTUNO and Philip Kotler, universally considered the father of digital marketing, was born in September 2019, soon after Kotler realized a video lessons for the University, thus approaching the University e-Learning model and the values inspiring it.

“What happens on the 6th and 7th November – UNINETTUNO’s Rector, Maria Amata Garito, stated - is a further confirmation of how the commitment of the UNINETTUNO University to realize, since its birth, a new psycho-pedagogic e-learning model allowing for a close cooperation with different Universities across the world has been a successful choice. With this event we realized true  alliances for knowledge in whose framework lecturers and experts of different place in the world communicate through our interactive platform while respecting mutual cultural and thinking differences discussing a common issue: the future of the world economy led by technological innovation.  Never before as in this hard time for humankind having the opportunity, using the Web, of benefitting from contents spread by this Summit, can help the citizens to acquire knowledge and get a deeper insight and understand how to transform the global crisis of the Covid-19 pandemics into new opportunities and be able to face the hard future in front of us in a balanced and skillful way.”

“I congratulate the UNINETTUNO University for having cooperated in the realization of the 2020 E-WMS 2020; together, we created an event that is unique worldwide both in technological and in contents terms that will support the leaders of global economy to enhance their marketing activities in times of crisis”, Philip Kotler remarked. “The issues under discussion will deal with the question of sustainable economy based on a new paradigm that puts human beings and their relations, the community values and technological innovation as an instrument for redemption from an economy exclusively based on profit at any cost, at the center of the market.” 

Philip Kotler will introduce the event with an opening lecture in which he will define the role of marketing in  the year of the global emergency; he will be followed by speeches delivered by experts who will present their theories about the management of the crisis in the post-Covid era.

During this event they will present the Kotler University, a new global educational project aimed to the education and vocational training of students and professionals of the whole world, born from the meeting between the model of distance teaching and learning designed by Maria Amata Garito, Rector of UNINETTUNO and the ideas for an education aimed at marketing professionals inspired by Philip Kotler’s idea of sustainable economy. 

Kotler Impact

The Kotler Impact is a strategic marketing community wished and founded by Philip Kotler, aiming at practicing sustainable economic development. The Kotler Impact believes in a generation that is sustainable, evolutionary and transformable and that is aimed at spreading, among the leaders the global marketing, business and institutions, an alternative marketing culture, capable of seizing the incredible opportunities of modern changes in a sustainable way for the communities and the environment in which we live. 

International Telematic University UNINETTUNO

Inspired to the values of inclusion, dialogue among cultures and democratization of the access to knowledge by means to the new technologies, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is a global university, among the pioneers of distance education, recognized by UNESCO among the universities that more strongly engaged in the achievement of the 2020 Millennium Goals of the United Nations. Being based in Rome, UNINETTUNO is university without time and geographical boundaries, it meets the demands of a constantly evolving society, by delivery educational and academic contents 24 hours a day, created thanks to the contribution of researchers, academicians and lecturers coming from the best Italian and foreign universities. Expertise, souls and different cultures gave life to a international network of interconnected minds. Today, 22,000 students coming from 167 countries across the world, study thanks to the Internet, on UNINETTUNO’s platform, which is available in 5 languages (Italian, English, French, Arabic and Greek) and realized by the University based on a distance teaching and learning model which has been developed over 25 years of research work by Prof. Maria Amata Garito and by her research team.