Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies and Global Perspectives

In light of the strategic role of European Union as geopolitical actor and of the current daily evolution of European policies in the international scenario, 

the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO offers the new Edition of the online Master "European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies and Global Perspectives", held entirely in English.
The Master is addressed to all young people who will have - in the near future - in their hands the fate of a European Union, who will have to face, with ever greater commitment, unprecedented global problems, such as Climate Change, Energy, Food, Digitalization, Migrations, in a more broad, Euro-Mediterranean and international dimension.
The purpose of the Master is to train interdisciplinary professionals, to provide operational and professional skills suitable for participating in the various stages of elaboration and implementation of European policies. The Master aims to provide graduates with advanced post-graduate training: the theoretical-practical tools to understand the decision-making processes involving the European institutional actors.
The interdisciplinary didactic method of the Master is targeted to provide skills suitable for the international dimension of the issues that will arise in the common future of EU and world citizens, and is therefore addressed to students from Europe, the United States and the entire Asian and Euro-Mediterranean area. In other words, to young people who want to improve their knowledge of the global and specific dynamics that regulate the performance of the Union's activities, above all from an economic, legal and administrative point of view, with an important in-depth analysis also of the issue relating to Europlanning.
Furthermore, in particular, the Master aims at training new experts capable of identifying the opportunities offered by the official programs of the European Union, translating them into Projects and accessing European funding. Among other things, the Master represents an excellent training and professional updating opportunity for operators of NGOs, the third sector, private companies, consultancy companies, ministries and other public institutions, at the local level, national and international.

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  1. (Anno accademico: 2023/2024)
  2. (Anno accademico: 2024/2025)