Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Ingegneria Informatica/Information and communication technologies engineering (with Helwan University) (Anno Accademico 2008-2009)

Reti di Telecomunicazioni

CFU: 5
Lingua contenuti:Arabo
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
The course provides the basic concepts of telecommunications networks.
  • Network functions: signalling, transmission, switching, management.
  • Network services: traffic characterization and quality of service.
  • Topologies.
  • Transmission techniques.
  • Multiplexing (TDM, FDM, CDM) and multiple access (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA)
  • Switching techniques: circuit switching, packet switching.
  • OSI model: layered protocol architectures.
  • ARQ protocols: stop and wait, go back N, selective repeat.
  • Layer 1
    • Transmission media.
    • Access (ISDN, ADSL, PON) and transport (SDH, PDH) networks.
  • Layer 2
    • Protocols: HDLC, LAP-B, LLC, LAP-F
    • Frame relay
    • ATM
    • LAN (Local Area Networks)
    • MAC (Medium Access Control) protocols: Ethernet
    • Bridging and switching
  • Layer 3:
    • Routing protocols and algorithms
    • Introduction to Internet
    • IP , ICMP, routing
    • UDP and TCP
    • Application layer protocols: DNS, SMTP and HTTP
    • Sniffing over LANs
Docente/Tutor Responsabile insegnamento
Nessun Docente attualmente disponibile per questo corso
Elenco delle lezioni
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh
Ghassan H. Fallouh