Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Anno Accademico 2013/2014)

Foreign and commercial policy of the European Union


Lezione n. 1: The Legal Framework of the EU Foreing Policy


   Legal tools

   Decision- making process

   The Council

   The Presidency

   The High Representative for the CFSP

   Political and Securitu Committee (COPS)

   Special Representative of the EU

   The role of the European Parliament in CFSP

   Intergovernmental natureof CFSP

   International negotiations

   Enhanced cooperation in CFSP
Vai alla lezione Alessandro Fusacchia
Lezione n. 2: The Neighborhood Policy of the EU

   The objective of the European neighborhood policy (ENP)

   Beyond Enlargement

   A policy for the "ring of friends"

   ENP and Euro-Med Cooperation

   Preliminary assessment of the ENP

   Financial support of the ENP

   Strengthening the ENP

   Commission Communication (Dec. 2006)

Vai alla lezione Alessandro Fusacchia
Lezione n. 3: The EU Trade Policy

   The EU and international trade

   Principles and decision-making of the EU trade policy

   Common Trade Policy

   Trade negotiations

   Instrument of trade defence

   Green Paper (Dec.2006)

   Three main dimension of the EU Trade Policy

Vai alla lezione Alessandro Fusacchia
Lezione n. 4: The EU Development Policy

   Legal Framework

   Origins and history of the policy

   Lomè Convention

   Maastricht Treaty (1992)

   The Cotonou Agreement (2000)

   The "Development Consensus"
Vai alla lezione Alessandro Fusacchia
Lezione n. 5: Other dimensions of the EU Foreing Policy

   Community competence



   The Climate Change

   Education and Culture

   Erasmus Mundus

   Concluding Remarks

   Limitation to EU action
Vai alla lezione Alessandro Fusacchia