Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Anno Accademico 2022/2023)

PART III – Experiences and case studies

Libri e articoli

Filtra per anno accademico:
Lezione n.1: The Sound Of Climate Justice

Climate change and inequality  (A.A. 2020/2021)
climate justice climate policy environmental justice social inequality social movements sociology
Climate change through the lens of intersectionality  (A.A. 2020/2021)
environmental politics gender feminist theory power relations difference human–nature relations
Climate change toolkit  (A.A. 2020/2021)
climate change green economy human rights
Climate Justice for a Changing Planet: A Primer for Policy Makers and NGOs  (A.A. 2020/2021)
environmental politics gender feminist theory power relations difference human–nature relations
Climate justice: The international momentum towards climate litigation  (A.A. 2020/2021)
The Paris Agreement climate litigation climate negotiations
Community energy practical guide  (A.A. 2020/2021)
energy environment climate crisis humanity crossroad
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-923 December 2015 Climate Change Through an Intersectional Lens: Gendered Vulnerability and Resilience in Indigenous Communities in the United States  (A.A. 2020/2021)
Climate change indigenous peoples gender
How net zero targets disguise climate inaction  (A.A. 2020/2021)
climate change environment protection humanity actions
Principles of Climate justice  (A.A. 2020/2021)
climate justice human rights
Toolkit for intersectional movement building  (A.A. 2020/2021)
intersectionality climate change humanity climate justice
United for climate justice  (A.A. 2020/2021)
carbon neutral society climate justice environmental protection
Lezione n.2: The Impacts Of Climate Change In The Mediterranean Region

Lezione n.3: The State Of Research Into Climate Journalism Practices And Routines

Lezione n.4: Being A Science Journalist