Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Law and Policies (Anno Accademico 2022/2023)

European citinzenship and fundamental rights in the digital society


Lezione n. 1: European citizenship and digital rights

   European citizenship: a short introduction

   European citizenship rights and digital transformation
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Lezione n. 2: European citizenship and the governance of new technologies
   Law & the regulation of technology

   New rights for new technologies?

   Digital personhood
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Lezione n. 3: The logic of European data law - First part
   The structure of European data law

   The history of European data protection law

   Constitutionalization of EU data protection law

   The GDPR
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Lezione n. 4: The logic of European data law - Second part
   Non-personal data and EU digital strategy

   Data ownership laws

   Access to data laws: G2B

   Globalization of European Data laws
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Lezione n. 5: COVID -19 and digital rights: the rise and fall of tracing apps
   Data-driven responses to Covid-19

   Regulatory models: East v. West

   The fall of tracing applications?

   Lessons for the future
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Lezione n. 6: Digital rights, mass surveillance and the un-territoriality of data
   The un-territoriality of data: Legal issues

   Transnational mass-surveillance: The NSA scandal

   Digital rights extraterritoriality?
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Lezione n. 7: Regulation of online platforms and democracy rights
   Regulating digital platforms: A short history

   The case of anonymous speech: A comparative framework

   Balancing free speech and fundamental rights
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Lezione n. 8: Algorithmic decision making
   The importance of automated decision making today

   Main legal issues

   Regulatory frameworks
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