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Ingegneria informatica (Anno Accademico 2023/2024) - Sistemi Intelligenti

Sistemi artificiali adattivi

Docenti video: Massimo Paolo Buscema - IULM (Milano)


Lezione n. 1: Artificial adaptive systems
   The concept of AI

   What is artificial intelligence

   Simulation approach

   Emulation approach

   Information approach
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Lezione n. 2: Scientific knowledge workflow
   The procedure of scientific processes

   Data & Algorithms, Validation

   Anomalies - case study. Epistemological question

   Self organizing maps


   Auto contractive map
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Lezione n. 3: Top down procedure vs bottom up procedure
   Rule-based systems and data driven systems

   The rational way

   The math way (top down)

   The AI way (bottom up)

   Artificial adaptive systems - evolutionary algorithms - population oriented

   Coding - classic tsp
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Lezione n. 4: Complicated systems & complex system
   Processes that require rules to function and Processes that create rules as they operate

   Features of complex systems
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Lezione n. 5: The information approach - first part
   Data base

   Types of data matrix

   Static matrix

   Dynamic matrix

   Iconic matrix

   Artificial adaptive systems (AAS)
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Lezione n. 6: The information approach - second part
   What analytics means

   Types of data analytics

   Representational analytics

   Graph analytics

   Simulation analytics

   Prescriptive analytics

   Space analytics

   Pixel analytics

   Diagnostic analytics

   Predictive analytics
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Lezione n. 7: Elements of theory of graphs
   Elements of theory of graphs and types of graphs

   From the adjacency matrix to the relationship matrix (D matrix)

   Weighted graph

   Types of graph structure & regular graph
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Lezione n. 8: Types of filter of weighted regular and complete graph
   The minimum spanning tree (MST)

   Hubness function (H function) and the delta h function

   Maximally regular graph (MRG)

   Graph IN-OUT
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Lezione n. 9: Graph indices and networks - first part
   Geometric & topological networks nodes indices

   The list of networks indices

   Examples of nodes indices
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Lezione n. 10: Graph indices and networks - second part
   graphs &networks

   Blatant & hidden networks

   example of a hidden structure

   Degree of separation Theory
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Lezione n. 11: Supervised validation protocol (random approach) - first part

   Random distributions

   Reverse procedure

   5x2 cross validation

   3 steps protocol
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Lezione n. 12: Supervised validation protocol (random approach) - second part
   K fold cross validation

   Leave one out
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Lezione n. 13: Supervised validation protocol (inductive approach) - third part
   Inductive vs random split

   Inductive approach: test

   TWIST algorithm
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Lezione n. 14: Supervised metrics - first part
   Correct trend prediction

   Cross linear correlation

   Mean absolute error (MAE)

   Mean square error (MSE)

   Cross entropy loss function (CE)
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Lezione n. 15: Supervised metrics - second part
   R squared


   Confusion matrix for binary classes

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Lezione n. 16: Supervised metrics - third part
   Basic concepts of multinomial confusion matrix

   Multinomial confusion matrix applied
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Lezione n. 17: Unsupervised algorithms validation
   Test of reconstruction

   Test of MST similarity

   Test of MST accuracy applied to supervised data sets

   Test of correlation matrix accuracy applied to supervised data sets
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Lezione n. 18: The basic concepts of artificial adaptive systems
   The concept of AI

   Scientific knowledge workflow

   Top down procedures vs bottom up procedures

   Rules based systems and data driven systems

   Complicated systems & complex systems

   Processes that requires rules to function and processes that create rules as they operate

   The information approach

   What analytics means

   Elements of theory of graphs

   Supervised validation protocol

   Unsupervised algorithms validation
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