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UTIU – International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and RAI NETTUNO SAT as media partners of the XI World Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates in Hiroshima starting from Friday, the 12th to Sunday the 15th November on live streaming on


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As for every World Summit for Peace, this year too, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is media partner of the World Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates, now at its XI edition. The Conference that will be held in Hiroshima from the 12th to the 14th November 2010 is entitled: “The Legacy of Hiroshima: a World without Nuclear Weapons” and will see the participation of 20 Nobel Peace Laureates coming from the entire world. Mikhail Gorbachev, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Frederik Willem De Klerk, Lech Walesa, Mohamed ElBaradei, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Shirin Ebadi, Jody Williams are only a few names of those attending.

The event that will be filmed by RAI NETTUNO SAT (822 Sky Channel) cameras will be streamed live on the Internet site starting from 9:30 am of Friday up to its closure on Sunday the 14th November.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO disposes of the only portal in the world in several languages and among them: Arabic, English, French, Italian etc. and its students come from 40 different countries of the world. Most of these students come from the Arab World countries and with many universities of the Arab World it concluded agreements that enable students to get a study title recognised in Italy, Europe and also in their respective countries. The Summit Conferences are watched live by students and teachers of the Universities of the Arab World as well as from countries of Africa, from China, from Europe and the United States with which the UTIU cooperates and by all those who get wired to at any time they wish. Last year, there were over three millions web viewers who, thanks to UNINETTUNO Web.TV, watched the Conference of the Peace World Summit in Berlin; many of these were from the Arab World due to the high reputation UNINETTUNO has in these countries.
Streaming worldwide, thanks to the technologies of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, the message of the Nobel Peace Laureates has been and is for us an event to which we give a particular significance – states Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector and President of the University – since many years we are working to make dialogue among cultures become a concrete action; by our television network, RAI NETTUNO SAT, we have democratised the access to knowledge. At present it is the only television network in the world that broadcasts, in English, Italian, French and Arabic, 24 hours a day, the lectures delivered by reputed professors coming from many universities of the world and special lectures, in which the protagonists of contemporary culture present their works, speak about the ethics of man’s values, of the respect of differences, make the different religions of the world dialogue, and issues linked to world peace periodically enrich our programme schedule. RAI NETTUNO SAT promotes the development of awareness of differences, the internationalisation of culture and knowledge, it favours dialogue among peoples having different cultures, religions and political settings. The University’s television is a new model of television: a television of knowledge in which the protagonist is actually KNOWLEDGE“.