Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economia e gestione delle imprese (Academic Year 2023/2024) - Financial management

Corporate finance

CFU: 9
Content language:
Course description
The course of Corporate Finance aims to provide students the basic instruments to understand business management. In details, the course is based on the following topics: Time value of money, Compounded and simple interest, Financial functions, Interest rates and applications, Equal payment series, bonds, and cash flows, Project evaluation, Internal rate of return (IRR) and payback, Break even point, Financial statements, Income statement, Cycle dynamics, Managing working capital requirement, Integrating financials and operations, Cash flow, Ratios, Bond valuation, Equity valuation, Financing and WACC, Economic value added (EVA)
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Antonia Coppola
List of lessons
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
    •  Lesson n. 14: Cash flow  Go to this lesson
Rodrigo Zeidan
    •  Lesson n. 15: Ratios  Go to this lesson
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan
Rodrigo Zeidan