Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Publications and conference activities

ENVIROMENTAL CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. THE CASE OF DISTANCE LEARNING, in Dialogue Around Water, Water Academy SRD, a cura di Alessandro Leto, Eurilink University Press

ISBN: 978 88 8562216 6, pp. 41-48


AuthorM. A. Garito  Place/DateRoma, 01.05.2018

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Environmental issues are key to worldwide social and economic development. The awareness about the existence of this problem is, by now, globally widespread; however awareness by itself does not represent a solution to the problem. Today, more than ever, we need to develop study programs, from school levels up to the university (bachelor and master’s degrees) in which disciplines allowing to train professionals on specific skills related to the various environmental issues as well as citizens who are aware about the reality of environmental sustainability. Briefly, training on this issue has to meet two basic objectives:
1. Raise awareness among citizens through educational activities starting since
primary school; 
2. Creating specialized and innovative technical- scientific competences at graduate and post-graduate level.