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2nd EADTU-EU SPECIAL SUMMIT on higher education


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2nd EADTU-EU SPECIAL SUMMIT on higher education. (Deputy-Director General Xavier Prats-Monné and EADTU President Anja Oskamp)
About EADTU - Innovative leadership for open and flexible education. Established in January 1987, EADTU is Europe’s institutional network for open and flexible higher education. EADTU is a membership organisation. At present its membership comprises the open and distance teaching universities, national consortia which connect conventional universities and associate members from non-European countries. Its embership covers over 200 universities and around 3 million students across Europe.

http://www.projects.eadtu.eu/news-and-events.html - “..UNINETTUNO and ASD signed the MoU for ASD-STE100 certified training. The ASD Simplified TechnicalEnglish Maintenance Group (STEMG) is very pleased to announce that on Tuesday, November 26, 2013, at ASD Headquarters in Rue Montoyer 10, Brussels, ASD (represented by the Director of ASD-STAN, Günter Lessmann) and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (represented by the President and Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito) signed the Memorandum of Understanding by means of which UNINETTUNO becomes the only board accredited by ASD for the organization, delivery and issuing of the specific ASD-STE100 (STE) certification for training.”
il lancio del primo MOOC paneuropeo a livello universitario