Come testi d'esame sono proposti agli studenti una serie di saggi collegati ai macro-argomenti che vengono affrontati durante il corso, e nello specifico:
Evoluzione delle Interfacce:
John M. Carroll, "The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction", Cap. I del libro “Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium”
La psicologia dell'errore e il concetto di errore umano:
Douglas Hofstadter and David Moser, "To err is human; to study error-making is cognitive science", Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, 1989, pp. 185-215.
Situation Awareness:
Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, "Situation Awareness: Issues and Challenges", Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Northeastern University
Raja Parasuraman, Thomas B. Sheridan, Christopher D. Wickens, "Situation Awareness, Mental Workload, and Trust in Automation: Viable, Empirically Supported Cognitive Engineering Constructs"
Parasuraman, R., & Wilson, G. F. (2008). Putting the brain to work: Neuroergonomics past, present, and future. Human factors, 50(3), 468-474.
Parasuraman, R. (2003). Neuroergonomics: Research and practice. Theoretical issues in ergonomics science, 4(1-2), 5-20.
McCarley, J. S., & Kramer, A. F. (2006). Eye movements as a window on perception and cognition. Neuroergonomics: The brain at work, 95-112.
Usability e Accessibility:
Jakob Nielsen, "Usability 101: Introduction to Usability"
Roberto Polillo, "Un modello di qualità per i siti Web"
Maurizio Boscarol, "Cos’è lo User-Centered Design (UCD)"
Gruppo di Lavoro Metodologia -, "Metodologia per la valutazione dell'accessibilità e dell'usabilità dei siti pubblici"
Architettura dell'informazione:
Peter Morville & Louis Rosenfeld, "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web - Chapter 1", O'Reilly Editore
User Experience (UX) Strategy:
Jesse James Garrett (2011). The Elements of User Experience. NewRiders.
James Kalbach (2016). Mapping Experiences: A Guide to Creating Value through Journeys, Blueprints, and Diagrams. O’Reilly.