Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

generative Ai anD large language Models In higher educaTion

Global programme: Erasmus+
Specific programme: A.2 Skills and Innovation
Project number: 101134520
Duration: 36 Months (01-01-2024 - 31-12-2026)
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Livio Conti
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Ilaria Dibosco


Large Language Models such as ChatGPT have caused a disruptive storm by applying AI in various fields, including education. This has led to discussions on its use and implications. Some educational institutions rapidly developed policies or guidelines to restrict its use. At the same time, others began to experiment with ways in which it could be used to support teaching and learning. There are opportunities and challenges, which the ADMIT cooperation partnership decided to explore with an eye on future developments, that would enable universities to improve higher education. The overarching project objective is then to establish the necessary educational and ethical conditions that enable the utilization of LLM and generative AI as a means of enhancing teaching and learning in higher education. A LLM- ed framework and guidelines, using Large Language Models for education, will be created for integrating LLM and generative AI into teaching and learning design. The outcomes of the project provide support for all stakeholders involved in their key roles and responsibilities: students, teachers, teaching and learning and IT support services, institutional leadership, and national and EU authorities. For building the LLM-ed framework and guidelines, the ADMIT project will continuously track the latest developments in research, innovation, and institutional policies and strategies related to LLM and on evolving practices and policies in the partnership during the whole project lifetime. It will also develop recommendations and guidelines for the ethical use of LLM and generative LLM for teachers and students, including institutional recommendations. Finally, it will develop online course modules for the continuing professional development of staff and leadership European-wide on the use of LLM and generative AI in higher education.


ADMIT - generative AI and LLM i higher education - is to support a collaborative partnership project aimed at establishing the necessary educational and ethical conditions for the utilization of chat GPT and Large language Models (LLM) in general to enhance teaching and learning in higher education. The project objectives include ongoing assessments of the impact of LLM on education, identifying and mapping good practices related to the use of LLM and generative AI, developing evidence-based models and guidelines for integrating LLM and generative AI, into teaching and learning design, developing recommendations and guidelines for the ethical use of LLM and generative AI, organizing continuing professional development programmes, and implementing a communication and dissemination plan. The partnership seeks to address the challenges and opportunities presented using LLM and generative AI in education, including issues of diversity, inclusion, equity, critical thinking, academic integrity and digital and information literacy. The project aligns with the European Digital Education Action Plan and aims to serve national and European digitalization policies and the European AI Act, while assisting national higher education systems.


The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Conduct ongoing assessments of the impact of LLM on education, keeping track of the latest research and innovations in the use of LLM and generative AI in higher education over the project lifetime; 2. Identify and map practices related to the use of LLM and generative AI, including leadership in this area, and compile annual curated reports on the findings; 3. Develop evidence-based models and guidelines for integrating LLM and generative AI into teaching and learning design, based on current research and good practices, and tailored to different types of learning activities at the micro level. This will involve institutional conditions and frameworks for integrating LLM and generative AI to be created by the leadership at the macro-level, while teaching and learning and IT services fulfil a pivotal function between policy and design at the meso-level; 4. Develop recommendations and guidelines for the ethical use of LLM and generative AI in education at all levels, including issues of academic integrity; 5. Organize continuing professional development programmes for staff and leadership on the use of LLM and generative AI in teaching and learning design, as well as on educational and ethical conditions in this area. This will include developing open licensed CPD course modules based on project outcomes.