Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Bayesian inference reconsidered in the light of new visual illusions

Global programme: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevanza Nazionale
Call: Call 2022
Project number: 20222AW3JL
Duration: 24 Months (28-09-2023 - 27-09-2025)
Project Manager: Baingio Pinna
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Livio Conti
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Ilaria Dibosco


In Bayesian framework to perception (Kersten, Mamassian & Yuille, 2004; Knill & Richards, 1996), all fixation of perceptual belief is assumed to be connected to the computation of Bayesian posterior probability. Bayesian inference is a statistical procedure (see Cox, 1961; Jaynes, 1957/1988) that results in an optimal combination of the available evidence with prior beliefs. In perception, generally, this approach entails a rational estimate of the structure of the scene that combines fit to the available image data with the mental set of the perceiver (background knowledge, context, etc.). Within this theoretical context, the main purpose of this project is to clearly articulate and investigate through novel visual illusions, based on limiting conditions, the claims that perception can be modeled by means of Bayesian inference. The ultimate purpose of the project is to test quantitatively the necessary and sufficient conditions (“If A, then B” and “A, only if B”) of the Bayesian framework for the occurrence of the new phenomena under consideration and, in the light of the results, to enrich and improve Bayesian framework.


PartnersCountryجهات الاتصالWeb
Università degli Studi di SassariItalyجهات الاتصالWeb
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyجهات الاتصالWeb